Message from @jeffstradamus
Discord ID: 795907787241553930
Tommy needs a white claw
Why all the suspicion towards the girls?
Thank god
The foundation
Did you guys finish talking about Greta?
Well have to sit and wait
Songshow BOB
@mattie dymethaltryptomine.
probably wrong spelling
Omg I almost didn’t recognize you
You gotta sing it in the hillbilly voice too😂😂‼️
Got it 👌🏻
I’ve never seen bobslessons eyes before I feel like I got my pineal gland decalcified
I am *real*
That freaks me out but micro dosing might work
I’ll get some for us Mattie
Open that 3rd 👁
So is DMT and X the same?
If you don’t. It doesn’t count @Sideshow Bob
Good night yall, todays been interesting peeping in here
@imaman they think girls run the chat
I smoke it unnatural
Y’all about Greta!!
Can Hannah do it with us Tommy she makes me feel safe
Random question: Is the earth Flat tho?
and ari look up joey diaz acid podcast
@Teefsh mayve idk
@TommyG Help me pick a movie to watchhhh