Message from @Mugzie
Discord ID: 796487936132382782
How do you know??
He really did re-follow Trump. Wtf? 😅
Twitter is restricting engagement with tweets rn!
I couldn’t sleep last night @Phig Newton . I knew shit was going to pop off.
trump is speaking
I got a ton of videos but I got out of there while it was still daylight
I need to delete my Facebook. People really don’t believe Antifa had any involvement
im just kidding she isnt
@Cat_Faces that’s actually brilliant idea
Why does this matter?
Thank you
🔰 JUST IN - Twitter is intervening and "significantly restricting engagement" with Tweets on DC protests.
Who else ecpected this
yeah we hear you
Sorry im feeling a bit gullible now lol 😆
Tommy! The president just posted a video!
at this current time - i totally understand
New Trump video on Twitter!
I chased off my 4Deep wife I’m so sad
@a lil rain remember when we talked about pence?
Praise Jesus for this discord 🙌
I gotta het a buffalo head dress
is this today????
Thank you darlin 😘😘
Trump just on
It’s like Biden commanded him
Sounds like he's conceding
He sounds shook
does he seem rattled? nope