Message from @blkwallstcowboy
Discord ID: 796534928967598100
Yo we got 14 days
I have heard hard drives are missing. (Anon grade Intel)
Obviously nothing is going to happen tonight
Come on a bros take the bet
I agree. No more riddles
Q is a turd
Is Q right about much? I felled like it’s a waiting game with no winners
Today was a fold, we lost we blew our shot, we pulled the goalie and got scored on
Many cant admit there wrong
Don’t throw in the towel yet
What was the question?
We all waiting for someone to stop it. We either wake the masses up and stop it collectively or find a way to deal with it.
Discord it’s not working
I'm not saying it's 100% but it is an odd coincidence
Or your dick
Not a dollar
Also not a stretch to think the government has its own server on site due to security. Seems more likely/easier to secure one of the most important government buildings. Or it's in an NSA data centre
Q's been discredited for a while now but it'd be nice ya know
I’ll bet you 5$
Ok but President twitter removal
I think a lot of this is wrong. There is no more going to the next plan. there is no more next plan
We dont even know if that post should be counting up or down
If covid didn’t wake you up it’s over for you
I don’t know what’s going to happen but trump sounded pretty confident today and I think he had an idea of how this was going to play out
Tommy be like “Fucking bet pussy”
The twitter removal has never happened
if the payout is good ill bet 1$ on anything lol
Mickey Mouse watch
@TommyG you made a prediction from your source right? Do you think you were lied to
So I would have to be $1 on that something happens?
me too bro
Insurrection act means they are enforcing actual laws not being followed.. that wouldnt be for today that would happen later in march
The insurrection Act will not happen