Message from @Shibby
Discord ID: 796543432108670996
Another big red pill
So where yall going?
anyone ever try goat? i have like 40 if i get hungry lol
Fuck yes I’m happy! Now I know I have peeps on my side ❤️
@TommyG add me in the DM Incase we need to head out I got the farm and food taken care of 👊🏼💪🏼 and plenty of defense
@slowpoke760 definitely!
If I lose my bet money I’ll be upset though.
John Roberts is bad
This is where all the Lin wood shit should come out but it’s not because he was smoking crack while tweeting everything
trump winning still means u only have 4 years, u have to look within
Isn’t worrying about yourself and nobody is going to save you the opposite of people getting bent out of shape from today?
Dear aliens, now would be a good time.
Lets make a movie
Ding ding ding 🛎
@UserFriendly ‘s house 🤣
I bet Roberts is bad.
Idk maybe in the end , he is an idiot
We’re gonna have to meet up
God needs to send Jesus how bad does it need to get....lmao
Or zombies
Let’s get it all out there 😂
Hell fucking yeah!!
Military doesn’t have to help trump, he is the commander in chief, but if the generals go a different way it doesn’t matter
Follow the markets guys. Do you think Bitcoin is going on a tear because an athlete got paid in BTC? Lol no, revolution is coming. America is beyond saving and Trump lost. The only way to win, is to form a more perfect union. One established by the people, for the people.
jokes on you guys, Trump was expecting all this
only if they are slow ass walking dead ones
Who is your source
Yo I think I accidentally walked into the wrong simulation how do I go back
But I’m not white.... yikes they’ll be pissed when they hear that.
So is it true they’ve removed Trumps Twitter?