Message from @Restream Bot
Discord ID: 796957440692191252
I’m looking too now
Oh but then we get heaven. A better hope.
trust the data
This is so helpful. Haha
You fuck this guys mom Tommy?
*Bobby got booted again*
the word psyop is overused
That’s your belief
I haven’t been able to use this app for anything...
Im saying i agree it was a psyop but a good one to help wake up the world and disinformation was in it to get us critically thinking
haha is that sarcasm?
Uncle Danny!!! 🙌
Amen Lovegood
Classic response 👍
Dont forget about pops @TommyG
@Sideshow Bob was spitting 🔥
Remember the symbology...their downfall. 3 rd quarter GDP 33.1 % fly 🪰 on Pences hair, red October, red moon mercury...
No — I am so lost
Danny booted Bob
There's no REAL hope in the life
[DLive: PC_Babys] Ur good on d-live
oh okay lol yeah click the voice and a couple pop ups will appear saying you cant talk
[Periscope: Jackslyn] Twitch ?
[Periscope: Mottsie🇺🇸] I thought it was great
I have a split screen of this app and twitter to watch there
Bob fell off the flat earth?
Plow Team 6 to the rescue
Right into fake space
I'm drinking, and want to say I fucking love you guys
@Sideshow Bob we heard like...nothing
We didnt hear anything
“Uh” lolol