Message from @Dizzydre
Discord ID: 796957303068819487
Oh yeah me too I'm right there with you
How do o listen in?? Help anyone
I’m shocked by the amount of people in my workplace that were trump followers and now have completely flipped on him. He really didn’t do anything different yesterday that he has done for 4 years
Q woke up too many people... it doesnt make sense to wake people in this large of a mass. Q was a Psyop i do believe so... but it was used to wake people the fk up
[DLive: PC_Babys] I’ve been listening to guiliani radio show for years. He def hates the left, he hates crime. You can just tell. I think he’s solid
Never lose hope until it’s actually over
Logistics 101 lol
Joe Rogan too.....
Love that south park episode though lol
.thanks. That worked
That’s what a psyop wants u to think
@TrusttheProcess There are too many things that Q called to be a psyop
I’m looking too now
Oh but then we get heaven. A better hope.
trust the data
This is so helpful. Haha
You fuck this guys mom Tommy?
*Bobby got booted again*
the word psyop is overused
I haven’t been able to use this app for anything...
Im saying i agree it was a psyop but a good one to help wake up the world and disinformation was in it to get us critically thinking
haha is that sarcasm?
Uncle Danny!!! 🙌
Amen Lovegood
Classic response 👍
Dont forget about pops @TommyG
@Sideshow Bob was spitting 🔥
[YouTube: StudCity718] you are on YT
Remember the symbology...their downfall. 3 rd quarter GDP 33.1 % fly 🪰 on Pences hair, red October, red moon mercury...
No — I am so lost
Danny booted Bob
There's no REAL hope in the life
[DLive: PC_Babys] Ur good on d-live
oh okay lol yeah click the voice and a couple pop ups will appear saying you cant talk
[Periscope: Jackslyn] Twitch ?