Message from @Tamta
Discord ID: 797304879869460490
Rudy G. Is lost. Doesn't know what happened to Parler.
Where trump
where hunter
Add Rush to the list
Trust yourself!
It’s upsetting that people still don’t believe in adrenochrome
Invest in yourself!
That is the plan!
Sooo....... Anyone here watch mouthy buddhas videos?
He’s the best
be the ball, throw yourself
name that movie
So do something about it you cuck
Caddy shack?
Pardon fucking me lol
I heard it wasn't.
That was debunked
@Lotto He's a solid dude. He is a bit iffy when it comes to Q stuff but, I believe he is on our side.
Fuck Twitter grow a plant
Thee og pimp got banned from the tweeter
The Great Culling
not another teen movie - Mr. T said it
Hahahah ok
@Koreysat @flyers20133 okay thankyou
Hate when politicians do that shit
@Austin Powervich love it
fucking echo chamber in here, if yall see something more than 10mins old, someone already shared it here