detroitwheelz 1212
Discord ID: 558048349996056587
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I cant knock a day laborer at the home depot hustling to feed his family.
Only fag @TommyG smokes is a cigarette. To the uneducated trolls a fag in the UK is a cigarette.
That video had to many jump cuts things didnt line up it was choppy. He went from saying one thing to another total different thing. Also he mentioned 2020 nothing about 2021.
I could be wrong they are give or take 25 - 30 years behind schedule on there nwo doctrine. I remember 1st reading in 2004 about agenda 21. Now it's agenda 30 just like the ozone layer turned into global warming into climate change. They are always rebranding or co-opting things. But the difference is now they have there mechanism is place and it's called covid thats why in my opinion everything has sped up and things are happening quickly. Time to take a stand
@r33dybhiu Oh yeah I forgot about the icecaps lmfao and gore saying New York would be under water.
@Bidenโs Condom it's the Hegelian dialectic. They create a problem with a crazy solution example 911 = patriot act. This isnt anything new the globalist elite have been in charge for centuries. But back in the day the common folk didnt read and obtain knowledge. Now we get knowledge at our fingertips and the elite hate this hence all the censorship. The genie is never going back in the bottle.
@ZachInTulsa here is my opinion back in the day the greatest data collecting of the time was the confessional. When you go tell the catholic priest your dirtiest secrets. Now the confessional is the internet. Data mining is the new gold and oil big brother is watching. But they are using the net to usher in the technocracy transhumanism. But did they have the for site to see this happening I say no.
@ZachInTulsa This is no longer the globalist in charge and here is the next globalist puppet president. They have pushed there chips in the middle and they are going for broke. They want full control of everyone. Yes on the AI prediction system AG Bill I love Bush Barr said they want pre crime prediction prevention. Call me crazy they have been showing us this for decades through programming.
@Koreysat @flyers20133 okay thankyou
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