Message from @FSMFSM

Discord ID: 797639946739253248

2021-01-10 01:32:49 UTC  

Thanks! Is there a specific brand u can recommend ? I’m sure there’s a lot of garbage out there

2021-01-10 01:33:08 UTC  


2021-01-10 01:33:25 UTC  

Everyone should stop using Twitter! Delete their accounts and watch them sink

2021-01-10 01:33:27 UTC  

twitter committed suicide over like 100k voices they disagree with

2021-01-10 01:33:35 UTC  

imagine that lmao

2021-01-10 01:33:47 UTC  

I dont remember honestly. Just make sure you get 100% natural, organic yada yada. be careful when buying on amazon

2021-01-10 01:33:59 UTC  

I don't even understand how they make money at this point.

2021-01-10 01:34:07 UTC  

i already got kicked off twitter for 38732332th time

2021-01-10 01:34:25 UTC  

Lets get that Tennis

2021-01-10 01:34:26 UTC  

Yea, q predicted it. I believe a couple of times it was mentioned

2021-01-10 01:34:31 UTC  

If you look at the history of it it's what King David used to give to his soldiers explains a lot of his victories to a certain degree

2021-01-10 01:34:32 UTC  

Twitter puts on Monday

2021-01-10 01:34:39 UTC  

Who’s riding

2021-01-10 01:35:08 UTC

2021-01-10 01:35:09 UTC  

i was reading that

2021-01-10 01:35:23 UTC

2021-01-10 01:36:06 UTC  

What’s y’all’s owldresses

2021-01-10 01:36:10 UTC  

did ya'll see that thing where trump said he could pull some amendment and take twitter down for good? was that real?

2021-01-10 01:36:16 UTC

2021-01-10 01:36:19 UTC  

Stay away from anything that says himalayans very dirty up there lots of trash lots of trash runoff

2021-01-10 01:36:22 UTC  

We really heading to carrier pigeon days to communicate lol, then theyl say pigeons r racist, and theyl get banned too

2021-01-10 01:37:29 UTC  

Jan 19 National Popcorn Day

2021-01-10 01:37:32 UTC  

Actaully thats where the mineral is native to.

2021-01-10 01:37:39 UTC  

So true 😂....”your owls white so it’s got white privilege”

2021-01-10 01:37:54 UTC  

Hello, first time here. Been a faithful podcast listener since the lockdown started.

2021-01-10 01:38:08 UTC  

Oh no welcome to the shit show

2021-01-10 01:38:14 UTC  

Lol there goes another account 4 days with a VPN and a new email lol

2021-01-10 01:38:26 UTC  

I say we use St Bernards. They can deliver booze and notes at the same time. You cant cancel a St Beenard. They’re way too cute

2021-01-10 01:38:41 UTC  

use mac address spoofer in addition to VPN

2021-01-10 01:38:45 UTC  

If I'm not mistaken there are three other mountain peaks that they get it from I've done a lot of study on the himalayans that's not where you want to grab a natural resource from just because of the amount of fill that's on that mountain That's what I've gathered from my studies I can't remember the other mountain tops but I believe it's produced after 22,000 ft

2021-01-10 01:38:47 UTC  

That’s so cray u said that! There is a brand called CHOQ that is promotes by a ig page I follow and he constantly says that Himalayan’s are the best place to get it

2021-01-10 01:39:06 UTC  


2021-01-10 01:39:08 UTC  

Welcome...first things first change you avatar 😂

2021-01-10 01:39:32 UTC  

Interesting indeed. I read a lot in Microsoft patent paperwork for their 060606 crypto chip. Under misc files there is information about a company called neurogress. They are attaching chips to brains in order for humans to use their thoughts to say, control a robot i another location. This requires 5G connectivity. They gushed about how their current research involves getting this technology to break through the blood/brain barrier so brain surgery is no longer required to achieve this. They are one step away from being able to inject you with a chip that will allow your thoughts to connect to a 5G network before they have even traveled to your own awareness. It’s some incredible transhumanism material and it’s all right there in the open. Interesting though now when I look again that misc document about Neurogress has been removed! The patent paperwork is still creepy af. It describes you only being able to be given your cryptocurrency after completing a task. They say it’s not injectable but the patent says otherwise

2021-01-10 01:39:50 UTC  

Just did

2021-01-10 01:39:56 UTC

2021-01-10 01:39:57 UTC  

I hope so

2021-01-10 01:40:04 UTC  

I know the guy you're talking about I would do your history on it and research I believe it's produced after 22,000 ft there are two other mountain peaks that produce a pretty regularly but definitely everything that I've been reading about says stay away from that mountain It is filthy It's just like mushrooms you don't want to buy mushrooms from China because it absorbs all the toxins from their pollution

2021-01-10 01:40:26 UTC  

Look how fucking stupid this is 😂😂

2021-01-10 01:40:34 UTC  

@serialthrilla holy shit