Message from @Froski

Discord ID: 751427848732016760

2020-09-04 12:44:51 UTC  

@JonL but that is when I'm best. It really slows down my speech and allows me to think less.

2020-09-04 12:46:26 UTC  

@JonL you could smell the alcohol? that's not that bad for a normal person but you are german you have to be able to tell how much he drank and the flavor/color of what he drank

2020-09-04 12:46:59 UTC  

nah he's not a vodka drinker i can tell

2020-09-04 12:47:15 UTC  

i talk with real vodka drinkers i know what it does

2020-09-04 12:47:51 UTC  

family is right here and they say i sound crazy when i talk

2020-09-04 12:47:59 UTC  


2020-09-04 12:48:08 UTC  

well my computer is in the living room

2020-09-04 12:48:55 UTC  

Well, he is cheating on a server with 30 players on it.

2020-09-04 12:50:20 UTC  

hey froski just asking but will you kick albino from the call if he doesn't come back?

2020-09-04 12:50:41 UTC  


2020-09-04 12:51:11 UTC  

About how long should we give him?

2020-09-04 12:51:26 UTC of the hour

2020-09-04 12:51:29 UTC  

38 seconds sounds like a nice round number.

2020-09-04 12:52:26 UTC  

you turned english on us?
> top of the hour

2020-09-04 12:52:43 UTC  

What do you mean?

2020-09-04 12:52:56 UTC  

Oh no! They got Froski!

2020-09-04 13:00:20 UTC  

The mods are enforcing the rules. Not sure what part of that you don't get.

2020-09-04 13:05:25 UTC  

Because I'm great at it.😎

2020-09-04 13:05:42 UTC  


2020-09-04 13:05:59 UTC  

If only you knew...

2020-09-04 13:06:49 UTC  

That's getting close to rule 6 there...may wanna cool it.

2020-09-04 13:08:17 UTC  

I assist Tyler in moderating the server by ensuring the rules that he has written are complied with and issuing warnings when they are not. We as mods want the server to remain active and part of that is following the rules.

2020-09-04 13:10:19 UTC  

Well, that isn't very respectful...maybe you should read the rules.

2020-09-04 13:12:17 UTC  

Calling all of the moderators autistic is very disrespectful to the mods. Calling mods a bitch because you disagree with enforcing the rules is very disrespectful. You in general have been very disrespectful to almost everybody who has joined.

2020-09-04 13:13:22 UTC  

We haven't disrespected you.

2020-09-04 13:15:56 UTC  

Well, there is a heightened level of respect for mods. Read the note. We are volunteers, here to help the server, and you are outwardly attacking the mods because the rules were enforced.

2020-09-04 13:16:21 UTC  

Read the rules buddy.

2020-09-04 13:16:57 UTC  

**"Note: Arguing with mods will likely end up in a ban. Mods are volunteers and don't have the time nor patience to deal with trolls or jerks. So be respectful and follow the rules, they are strictly enforced."**

2020-09-04 13:17:57 UTC  

Well, how you are treating everybody else in here is pretty disrespectful. Plus, you were kicked out for the language you were using.

2020-09-04 13:21:11 UTC  

The rules weren't being enforced when the mods weren't here. When the mods join and start seeing rules blatantly broken and someone start whining because they were warned, the issue isn't with the mods, it is with the person whining. When after that person is kicked and everybody else is asking for that person to be banned because the way they were acting, I'd guess it's the person.

And no, you don't but discord has it's rules that we are all expected to follow and you were not.

2020-09-04 13:28:25 UTC  

That wasn't spidey, that was FearMeNons...

2020-09-04 13:34:34 UTC  

@Klue Music bot stays in the music channel.

2020-09-04 13:35:56 UTC  

@Froski My Bad

2020-09-04 13:36:04 UTC  

No problem @Klue

2020-09-04 13:37:29 UTC  

Absolutely not, she wouldn’t appreciate that ☺️

2020-09-04 13:38:20 UTC  

Is there a bar in the basement of the town hall @kick?

2020-09-04 13:38:37 UTC  


2020-09-04 13:38:54 UTC  

more like a bierkeller with restaurant

2020-09-04 13:39:06 UTC  

Nice. Germany right?

2020-09-04 13:39:14 UTC  

aiight sir