Message from @Thompson_45

Discord ID: 598026737921687552

2019-07-09 05:40:07 UTC  

People tend to forget how immigration works

2019-07-09 05:40:27 UTC  

half the states still red but the majority of the pops in large cities and they have the numbers to make the state blue

2019-07-09 05:40:39 UTC  

Is amnesty a lefty activist group

2019-07-09 05:40:57 UTC  

It's a political move to allow all illegals to become citizens

2019-07-09 05:40:58 UTC  

amnesty is letting immigrants be granted full citizenship

2019-07-09 05:41:08 UTC  

Ah i see

2019-07-09 05:41:10 UTC  

regan did it

2019-07-09 05:41:16 UTC  

Either way though Texas will go blue

2019-07-09 05:41:21 UTC  

and turned cali to what it is today

2019-07-09 05:41:59 UTC  

I want to get out of california as soon as possible

2019-07-09 05:42:08 UTC  

Big oof

2019-07-09 05:42:12 UTC  

was looking at nevada temporarily for a while than move on

2019-07-09 05:42:20 UTC  

Yeah get out please. Id rather you be safe

2019-07-09 05:42:23 UTC  

looked at washington, oregon, and arizona

2019-07-09 05:42:39 UTC  

Arizona is hotter than balls though

2019-07-09 05:42:45 UTC  

Go to like Idaho

2019-07-09 05:43:07 UTC  

It's mountainous but colder

2019-07-09 05:44:09 UTC  

I heard parts of arizona like payson had good sources of water

2019-07-09 05:44:21 UTC  

but yeah it's lower on the list compared to oregon

2019-07-09 05:44:36 UTC  

I guess I'm looking at things from too much of a prepper mentality

2019-07-09 05:44:45 UTC  

south west oregon's ideal for gardening and fresh water but ofc no idea how bad the laws will get

2019-07-09 05:44:57 UTC  

@ManOWar that's how I choose where I'd live

2019-07-09 05:45:17 UTC  

Oh. Well are you trying to stay on the West?

2019-07-09 05:45:27 UTC  

place with low pop, not close to anyplace with 100k +

2019-07-09 05:45:30 UTC  


2019-07-09 05:45:37 UTC  

west coast is the place for me

2019-07-09 05:45:55 UTC  

I'd seriously consider Idaho

2019-07-09 05:45:55 UTC  

got three doctors in the family so would want them to come over when thing get bad

2019-07-09 05:46:00 UTC  


2019-07-09 05:46:05 UTC  

Just checked out. Guys your government only accepts people above 30 years of age

2019-07-09 05:46:19 UTC  

Oregan isn't bad in terms of gun laws yet

2019-07-09 05:46:25 UTC  

Mostly people above that age are communist

2019-07-09 05:46:53 UTC  

@ManOWar only need a free state that allows suppressors for the time being, don't care if laws get changed in the future, will just be "unregulated"

2019-07-09 05:47:01 UTC  


2019-07-09 05:47:07 UTC  

cannot get suppressors in cali

2019-07-09 05:47:13 UTC  

or hi cap mags

2019-07-09 05:47:24 UTC  

Yeah I'm looking at getting a suppressor too. I really want to get NVGs but that will have to wait

2019-07-09 05:47:24 UTC  

or buy ammo in bulk without background check

2019-07-09 05:47:39 UTC  

calis getting worse by the day

2019-07-09 05:47:48 UTC  

I'm sorry dude

2019-07-09 05:47:58 UTC  

Its kinda systematic fault for inviting old people