Message from @President Elect Adams

Discord ID: 784915915757846539

2020-12-04 04:40:38 UTC  

thats not even the worst part , they want to fuck them , search for bugchasers, term or , crinkling? there is a very thin line from bestiality i think furries are on the bottom of slippery slope human can degenerate into

2020-12-04 16:33:20 UTC  


2020-12-04 18:09:27 UTC  

I didn't know much about the great reset but with covid screwing everyone over financially it started to make sense that world leaders would try to destroy the economy and "restart" from scratch

2020-12-04 18:10:24 UTC  

To be honest, I don't think it's a conspiracy because there are genuinely people out there who probably agree with the great reset

2020-12-04 20:34:22 UTC  

World Economic Forum had an article supporting The Great Reset, and The Canadian prime minister mentioned in a positive term.

2020-12-04 22:32:12 UTC  

what is the great reset? Please pardon my ignorance

2020-12-04 23:06:52 UTC  

The Great Reset | World Economic Forum

2020-12-04 23:07:10 UTC  

Here’s the article if that helps

2020-12-05 00:42:06 UTC  

@JDCREW We only pardon turkeys here. 🙂

2020-12-05 00:49:24 UTC  

The Great Reset is not a theory, but an actual conspiracy. No rational adult would fear any virus with a >99% survival rate, yet here we are destroying the lives of billions with draconian laws.

My elderly father, who has emphysema, survived the coronavirus.

2020-12-05 01:21:27 UTC  

theyve thrown people into such ignorant frenzies that they truly believe everyone in the world will die if we dont all wear masks and have less than 6 people at Thanksgiving/Christmas dinner... but the Black Friday craziness is okay.

2020-12-05 01:22:46 UTC  

I think it was Crowder that talked about one time he went to a drive through and this 20 something year old girl was wearing TWO pairs of gloves, a mask, and a face shield despite people in her demographic (young, fit, healthy) were at the absolute least risk. She said she didnt even know the death rate was only 1% and thought it was a lot mroe dangerous because mainstream media. we are in the shit.

2020-12-05 01:24:15 UTC  

We are seeing the result of a coordinated effort to eliminate the liberties of western civilization.

2020-12-05 05:59:13 UTC  

All my kin who got the virus are just fine.

2020-12-05 07:13:10 UTC  


2020-12-05 18:02:57 UTC  

Yeah, I know 10+ people who got it, and none of them were hospitalized. A few of them were in their 60s.

2020-12-05 19:39:48 UTC  

I had an online friend, 68, he passed away recently. but a few months ago in-between heart surgeries he got covid, then got over it. Hell of a guy.

2020-12-05 20:33:24 UTC  

Sorry for your loss

2020-12-05 22:02:18 UTC  


2020-12-05 22:55:37 UTC  

My 76 year old grandma survived COVID too

2020-12-06 00:31:50 UTC  

One thing, two words. Aircraft Carriers. Not only does the US use them for great humanitarian efforts, but they are some of the strongest and most effective weapons in war.

2020-12-06 04:30:14 UTC  

We have carriers, and we could glass our northern and southern borders. That would leave enemy soldiers completely exposed during a land invasion.

2020-12-06 05:10:32 UTC  

Considering we spend more than the next 25 countries combined (might be BS), we'd better win lol

2020-12-06 06:15:24 UTC  

We would. Most countries don't even have the means to get here XD

2020-12-06 06:17:06 UTC  

US armed populace. Self explanatory.
And if they attempted to get through the air they'd be destroyed by F-22s and even the portable SAMs that all the branches deploy. And if they did make it they'd have to contend with the best equipped and trained troops in the world. Oh and don't forget all the veterans and especially Florida Man.

2020-12-06 06:19:33 UTC  

That's not even everything either.

2020-12-06 06:29:35 UTC  

Crips and Bloods, Liberals and Conservatives, Dogs and Cats....
Most will stow their feuds for long enough to fight a common enemy.

2020-12-06 17:00:36 UTC  

Im not sold on the liberals. I feel like they would be like the UAC Cultists in DOOM Eternal that are happy the demons are coming and tell everyone to "Support our Mortally Challenged friends in their transition to our dimension!"

2020-12-06 18:42:13 UTC  

While the US is undoubtedly the most powerful country in the world, it seems unlikely that they could defeat EVERY single country in the world, maybe China, Russia, India, And the UK, but the entire world? That would be a challenge like no other.

2020-12-06 18:48:11 UTC  

Then you need to take into account that some citizens would join in

2020-12-06 18:48:40 UTC  

And if they play the cards right they can use guerilla warfare with a home field advantage

2020-12-06 18:52:02 UTC  

I was just about to mention the citizen thing. I don not think I have seen as many patriotic people as in the US. I know for sure that a lot of countries would only have their standing military go into action, I am not a US citizen so I cant say that it is true for sure but it definitely seems a lot of US citizens would enlist or somehow contribute to fight.

2020-12-06 18:53:33 UTC  

That is true

2020-12-06 18:53:47 UTC  

I'd imagine there would be internal battles within the US with Antifa, BLM, etc

2020-12-06 18:54:10 UTC  

It really depends on if America is invading these other nations or if we are being invaded.

2020-12-06 18:56:21 UTC  

either way, pantifa seem to be a huge problem... Thanks to bureaucracy it is difficult to just whack them with organized crime investigation and penalties, but that would be the best way to smoke them... the last thing you'd want is for an "idea" like that to terrorise your family/community while you are deployed fighting another country...

2020-12-07 00:29:03 UTC  

Antifa and BLM wouldn't survive the beginning of the conflict. Military brass would eliminate that problem immediately.

That's why I said "most" will stow their feuds for this fight. Without the instigators sowing dissension, a temporary accord could be reached.

2020-12-07 01:20:07 UTC  

Actually, Antifa stands for "Anti-Fascist"

2020-12-07 01:20:15 UTC  

Antifa isn't a group, it's more of an idea

2020-12-07 02:06:40 UTC  
