Message from @Wardog

Discord ID: 792088945310564412

2020-12-23 18:01:54 UTC  

We are thinking there is microbial life on one of Jupiter's moons because of some of the stuff we've observed about its atmosphere, chemical make up, and how some chemicals disappear, almost as if they are being consumed. I forget which moon it is. But if there is other life in our solar system (though its microbial) I am 100% certain there is life elsewhere. Recently we seem to have gotten a potential second "Wow!" signal from our closet neighbor star, Proxima Centauri. Thats big news. Another thing I like to argue is how we just recently launched our first "Starship." SpaceEx's SN8 or something like that. That designation difference is important when comparing it to just a space shuttle. We've sent humans to the moon. We've seen unmanned craft that have sent back lots of data from the surface of Mars. Now imagine an intelligent alien civilization's planet had settled into a habitable state billions of years before earth did? Human Beings, Homo Erectus, has been around for 300,000 years. Im pretty sure some of the oldest human civilization dates back to 6,000 years ago... Now imagine if we doubled both of those numbers for a race of intelligent aliens? Right now we are taking baby steps out into space, and that would be ancient history for them if we assume they had the same pace of technological development we did. I believe in aliens, wont hide that fact. And stuff like Trump Admin establishing a "Space Force", the Pentagon releasing UFO footage, Trump being asked multiple times about aliens and him not giving a straight answer or saying "its really interesting", Trump mentioning wanting to know whats going on at Area 51 back in 2016 before he was elected, and then most recently the Israeli former Head of Space coming out as a "whistle blower" and saying all these crazy things is super suspicious to me. Its all really interesting and makes me think. I could go on a lot more, but thats just some of the main things that actually have supporting evidence.

2020-12-23 18:29:13 UTC  

Yeah I agree

2020-12-23 21:22:54 UTC  

Aliens r real but not anywhere near us

2020-12-23 22:33:07 UTC  

I'm legitimately surprised that 50 people think aliens flat-out don't exist. Hell, I'm religious and I can easily believe that God would have left his toys laying around in other galaxies.

One of these days, it will be the Great Battle Royale where GI Joe fights the Transformers and Ninja Turtles at the same time.

2020-12-23 22:40:12 UTC  

Yes xD

2020-12-24 08:49:32 UTC  

they're extremely likely to be real, but the thing is that they're also extremely likely to be so far away that it's impossible for us to reach them or vice versa

2020-12-24 08:50:07 UTC  

life happened on earth so there's already plenty reason to believe aliens are real in some form, even if only basic microbial life or anything else

2020-12-24 18:37:32 UTC  

Yep, I believe there are other worlds somewhat similar to ours, though so far away that any chance of reaching them, or their chance of reaching us, is so astronomically small that it could be considered impossible

2020-12-24 21:58:25 UTC  

As far as aliens go, I do think that there are microbial things. We've found them on other planets before. Even though those could be from the probes we send. But I don't believe that life even close to us exists.

2020-12-24 22:34:28 UTC  

I put R but I don't like political parties I believe they can trample people's freedom of speech

2020-12-24 23:42:57 UTC  

republican, mainly so that i can vote in the primaries in my state

2020-12-25 13:59:23 UTC  

I hold many libertarian values but am a republican since I don’t think a 3rd party candidate has a good chance but if they ran as a republican they could win.

2020-12-25 17:42:04 UTC  

I’m done with the Republican Party. We need a party that can put America first, not a “conservative” Party that’s just the progressives of 10 years ago. A Party that bows to Israel, supports gay marriage, and gives millions to the 1%. These “conservatives” exploit poor Christian rednecks for votes and do nothing for them in return. I’m talking about the Rubios, Romneys, Mcconnells, Cawthorns, Crenshaws, and Haleys. We need to primary every single one of them in 2022.

2020-12-25 17:42:57 UTC  

One thing every conservative needs to take to heart is that we are NOT pro immigration

2020-12-25 17:43:19 UTC  

Either Mass immigration ends the GOP or the GOP ends mass immigration.

2020-12-25 17:43:20 UTC  

registered Republican. Thats the only form of Republican I am. Im done with the Republican Party too, too many RINOs, too much of them are part of the Swamp. We need a MAGA Party, but how do we make something actually happen?

2020-12-25 17:44:29 UTC  

If we go third-Party, the Dems will be in power for ever, we need to reshape the current GOP, to put America first.

2020-12-25 17:45:00 UTC  

yeah. its a real shit situation.

2020-12-25 17:45:55 UTC  

Personally I have no issue with Israel, and I think they have a right to exist as our allies, but thats it. I dont believe in bowing to them or anything, and I dont see anything wrong with gay marriage. Im a libertarian and an atheist.

2020-12-25 17:50:30 UTC  

What’s funny is I actually work for my county GOP 🤣. And we like all think that way to it’s just when your actually with the party that way no one really dares say anything

2020-12-25 17:58:40 UTC  

yeah, you dont want to be kicked out, right?

2020-12-25 17:59:09 UTC  

its saying you hate your job and everyone there with your boss standing in front of you/

2020-12-25 18:00:06 UTC  

My friend, after the election that is, joined the Constitution Party cause he was sick of the Republican Party.

2020-12-25 18:10:26 UTC  

I don’t have much of an issue with Israel either, however we give them billions of dollars a year, and they don’t give us anything in return. I’d be happy to have them as an Allie, though.

2020-12-25 18:27:20 UTC  

yeah, I actually had an amazing talk with someone recently. we have some quite differing views on some things but the discussion was super fun and very productive, and we were both agreeing on the United States returning to a more pre-WW1 kind of stance where we were more Isolationist. Im not saying completely Isolationist because it would benefit us not to be, but cutting all foreign spending, and all aggressive military spending would save our country. We dont need to be fighting endless wars in Middle East, the world hates us for it and hates us for being the World Police. Stop spending money for hte military to do that shit, stop giving foreign aid for no good reason, concentrate on our homeless people, homeless veterans, the needs of our people, and things like the adoption system for children. In a perfect world I guess...

2020-12-25 19:39:25 UTC  

Rand Paul might have a good chance at winning in 2024. Libertarians would vote for him even though he's Republican. 🤔

2020-12-25 19:45:20 UTC  

I agree with rand Paul on a lot of issues problem is... he’s not trump. I don’t think we’d see nearly the same turnout we did in 2016 and 2020 as people won’t be as energized with rand Paul

2020-12-25 19:46:07 UTC  

Hm yes. Though it might be difficult to find another character like Trump. 😐

2020-12-25 19:59:53 UTC  

Ron Destantis could continue the Trump legacy, possibly

2020-12-25 20:01:31 UTC  

I don't know much about Ron's character but I do like his policies. 🙂

2020-12-25 20:20:37 UTC  

Shame that we can't have a perfect president...just means we all gotta work together! (Although, a combination of DeSantis' policies and Pence's demeanor would go a long way)

2020-12-25 20:21:27 UTC  

You can never reach perfection no matter how much you try

2020-12-25 20:21:40 UTC  

Improve yes, but can't have perfection

2020-12-25 20:21:58 UTC  

Always be that 1 person who doesn't like it

2020-12-26 02:34:37 UTC  

Santa is real duh

2020-12-26 04:42:13 UTC  

I personally don't like the idea of lying to children

2020-12-26 05:27:56 UTC  

Dude primary season is hilarious. Cause then everyone can really speak their own views. It’s just once the party picks a direction you have to shut up and stick with it. Seriously I worked for the party in the tents at polls and one of the specific rules was don’t mention inter party squabbles. Anyways primaries are when the party is best open to change

2020-12-26 05:29:01 UTC  

And it’s not like they can kick you out anyways. From experience most county level GOPs are short on staff and volunteers. During the election proper I worked at least twice as much as the dems did. They did two hour shifts and we did four lol. And even then we struggled filling every slot

2020-12-26 05:29:57 UTC  

But you would be surprised how many libertarians I’ve worked with. A lot came out this election because of the left. One lady told me she never voted out of principle but because of the left she voted for the first time in years for trump

2020-12-26 23:06:44 UTC  

thats fair, but when it comes to stuff like Santa I dont take too much issue with it because it helps make childhood a little more magical and helps play into the imagination which is something I appreciated and was always overjoyed about when I was a little kid.

2020-12-27 09:51:28 UTC  

Registered D cause in NY the whole system is corrupt Dems and you gotta be registered D to have some say...