Message from @TheCraziestOregonian
Discord ID: 776586397405544479
I saw that as well
I noticed it immediately
Also they literally mess up the wording for almost all the tests. If you have a really really low communism score, it says you are 6% not communist instead of 6% communist or 94% notcommunist if that makes sense. @Stargatemaster96 
I think you're reading it wrong
It's 5% communist. You're Not-Communist
I can’t tell if you are joking, but you are wrong. It I am 5 percent ‘pro communist’ that is a very low score. I am 95 percent not a communist. But they are saying I’m 5% not a communist. @TheCraziestOregonian
they are saying you are 5% communist, making you not a communist
you have the percentage of commie retard in you on top
and what that percentage is saying on the bottom
same with the other tests
like the corona or blm ones
The problem is the grammer is used wrong for the English language.
Look this says I’m 10 percent NOT coronaphobic, which is wrong. That would mean 90 percent of my view towards coronavirus is I’m scared of it. @TheCraziestOregonian
it says you are 10% coronaphobic
making you not-coronaphobic
No it literally says NOT coronaphobic
yes, because 10% coronaphobic means you are NOT coronaphobic
this is fun
Dude my whole point was that the wording was wrong
that means we're both right
you said the wording was wrong (correct)
and I gave what it was trying to say
well yeah kinda but I also knew what it meant. I was just basically commenting on the crappy grammar. Lol dude I was so frustrated with you I was about to blow a gasket 😂😂😂
Glad we are in understanding now lol
@Rhyean Here you go 🙂
i think mine is about the same
@TheCraziestOregonian im only that high cuz i have like some fascist beliefs but i dont believe in silencing or complete genocide of opponents
or government spying
what do you mean?
genocide is fun...
ik fascism's economy style is like a mix of socialism and capitalism
or like regulated capitalism
fascism is an increase of government control
even over the economy
so a mix of socialism and capitalism makes sense
which is basically just stopping complete monopolies like we have here
theres like 12 companies that own every brand in existance
I think stopping monopolies is a good thing
but being controlled by monopolies or controlling the economy and business too high is
bad for business
35% libertarian
about what I thought