Message from @Cothelas Decaeneus
Discord ID: 780205438443847720
I’m a conservative fundamentalist according to that test
I’m a paleocon followed by alt-lite, constitutionalist, Christian fundamentalist, and national capitalist.
yeah that seems about right old stick
What's important is that you are a paleocon.
The other percentages are bonus.
Put these in election discussion they don’t belong in this channel
I'm a Christian Fundamentalist followed by fascist, paleoconservative, alt-right
@ViolentLotus1 What website is that?
Check the pins
@ViolentLotus1 Jesus why you a Nationalist Socialist?
... idk man
Adolf Hitler over here
who a nationalist socialist
I don't see it
I see
I took this trying to get as liberal as I could while still broadly being choices that I would somewhat agree with
@ViolentLotus1 holy fuck man
Apparently, I'm a centralist or barley right libertarian.
I would say the tests aren't perfect and depending on your answers it can change a good amount each time you take it
The OG political compass is trash. More trash than the eight value test. The eight value test is good save its matching algorith. The test went Antifa brainlet and called me a fascist, which is bullshit.
We are the same
where can I get that core conservative test?
sappy is better