Message from @Son of Nerds
Discord ID: 735316518488899635
Well that went to Nowhere, CA. Jk. Anyway hello.
well I mean you can give your thoughts on evolution if you'd like
ugh tired of hearing about masks
there was a vid of a employee fed up with the mask bs started pulling off all the masks from the shelf
Yay! More virtue signalling from the least creator friendly website on the internet!
the cloth masks like the ones at targay
there's a little bit of blood on the ground but it's not graphic, it's youtube friendly if that means anything
probably not monetized on youtube but not taken down
@ostry thanks for sharing, I haven't heard of the cambrian explosion I'll have to look into that more. All I know is that it requires a 99% DNA match in order for humans to have evolved from apes/monkeys/chimps and new tests have found it's around a 80% match and that they found human DNA contaminants in previous results of chimp DNA.
beyond that I'm clueless, I just know the DNA doesn't match lol
definitely worth researching into more though
interesting thing to know that some shows we liked needed a laugh track to enjoy it more...kinda like pavlov's dog and the bell
i hate laugh tracks, it's just put over something that isn't funny and the production team is like "hahaha see it's funny IT'S FUNNY LAUGH DAMN IT"
imo if something is genuinely funny they don't need laugh tracks. i kinda liked that clip without the track
they'd do better doing it in front of a live audience get a real reaction to the scene
@[TDE] Smokie Ironic for a company that makes junk in China...
^only in ussr
Shit I live in Florida
you know i've lived majority of my life in tornado alley but haven't seen an actual tornado in real life. I've seen a funnel form over our old house once and that's as interesting as it got
how many hurricanes have you seen in florida?