Message from @bigalexgaming
Discord ID: 774391246088175646
someone already posted it my bad but ill keep it up so itll be fresh
I already have that graph, looking for whatever the dude was talking about going on in Philly with trump lawyers fighting there
Trump will most likely win thanks to the Supreme Court and voting checks but I could be wrong
Wrong turn leads to postal carrier's arrest; mail found in car included absentees | Crime News |
Remember tHe uSpS iS A rElIaBlE wAy tO vOtE
Me once i find a horse
Got a good one for you guys
*Trump sock*
And yes lol
Tell him if he doesn’t like abortion he shouldn’t get one
Tell him to go cry salty tears with the rest of his radical right when Biden formally announces his win.
Tell him, him and his dick doesn’t get a fucking say
Nice talking with him, tell him to say hi to hitler when he dies?
Go back to your Neonazi Friends
FossyToday at 7:00 PM
I knew you were taking screenshots or sending this to people
Thats saddening that our conversation cant be private
Wow I never said any of that or anything remotely close to that...
It's a shame how just becuase im a Trump supporter that im automatically a nazi and a racist
cause thats not true
I have plenty of black friends
Furthermore, Im part Jewish haha
The real voice of New York:
.warn @Vice President SwagLord c'mon man, it's N.N.N, that is inappropriate content, we don't want our fellow men to destroy themselves/ fail
Michigan GOP claims software issue undercounted Trump votes
i loved when he did that lol
It ain't over, until WE say its over!!!