Message from @SnowWhite❄
Discord ID: 759855303562100746
Texas long horns
this is why dad jokes should be outlawed
Try telling that to Smokie...
lol smokie is the ultimate dad
but I love reading a lot of the ones he posts ❤️
speak of the devil lmao
he needs it lol
I'm a Large
every day
Except on washdays.
I feel bad for your children 😛
we should get zed an Army Strong shirt lol
with an air force logo 😄
this is 100% confirmed by my brother in munitions
@SnowWhite❄ here ya go. Last one for today
Ah the king has brought in the dad jokes.
what do u call a smart newt?.......Isaac Newton
why is Santa's sack so big?...he only comes once a year
Well done
He went there...