Message from @BobiusPrime
Discord ID: 718657093187403777
@beebarf the bard that Ope video was pretty damn funny
What's a bag limit? Is that like, how many you can hunt? Grew up camping but not hunting. So I don't know much about it. My husband says he's going to make me jacket a squirrel because it's something his wife should know....I really hope I don't throw up. Lol
@beebarf the bard You have the right idea, it's a limit of how many fish or animals like deer you are allowed to hunt and keep in a given time frame.
Bit tardy here but I grew up hearing ope all the time and say it now...I do get weird looks where I live when I do this lol
Stole it ...had to post it 😁
Thats such an oldie but a goodie
@beebarf the bard hahaha you think we're gonna make it that long. 😢
I know I am.
> Hope you all combating racism like this fine woman is
@BelaJuTe She is so brave, so brave.
Wow, I actually just finished a speed test because I also notied my internet was incredibly slow.
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