Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 752338768156950608

2020-09-06 23:59:25 UTC  

Ya I can finally do meme

2020-09-06 23:59:41 UTC  

And yes im a furry

2020-09-07 00:05:27 UTC  

Your working for him

2020-09-07 00:10:56 UTC  


2020-09-07 00:47:41 UTC  

What dose e mean

2020-09-07 01:00:42 UTC  

This right here

2020-09-07 01:00:46 UTC  

is gold

2020-09-07 01:00:57 UTC  

speaking close to the bible

2020-09-07 01:01:09 UTC  

@SkinnyMofo god bless your soul

2020-09-07 01:01:11 UTC  

"woke" is the left trying to hijack the "awakening" with sick agendas such as sjw and other crap, when the "awakening" is about being alert to the bs of msm and corrupt officials that make promises that never deliver on just to get elected/re-elected to remain in power

2020-09-07 01:02:19 UTC  

the 'gays' ...became more awake than woke lately

2020-09-07 01:03:02 UTC  

and apparently those that were 'trans' in schools prior to the 'lockdown' ..decided to not be trans before the end of it

2020-09-07 01:13:47 UTC  

Do people not understand that the only memes That are supposed to be under the left can’t meme channel are Memes made by the left attacking the right. I think they were people they don’t understand that it doesn’t make any sense. They were just posting generally anti-leftists Memes that could be put in any other channel.

2020-09-07 01:24:08 UTC  

yo the ads

2020-09-07 01:24:19 UTC  

this is right after he said there were biden ads on biden gaffes videos

2020-09-07 01:25:40 UTC  

the irony is if that were true suppression opposition and criticism, where would there be msm at

2020-09-07 01:25:56 UTC  

they'd all praise trump or be off the air

2020-09-07 01:27:24 UTC  

anybody talking about trump in a bad way on social media would lose their acc, be seized by forces unknown...oh wait, thats the social media platforms that are against trump supporters

2020-09-07 01:36:39 UTC  

Wasn't that a picture of Trump holding a Bible before they changed it to say "Fascist Playbook"?

2020-09-07 01:36:50 UTC  

If so, it really shows who these people are

2020-09-07 01:37:06 UTC  

Even more so than baselessly calling Trump a fascist

2020-09-07 02:36:39 UTC  

@Noodle just pick a channel

2020-09-07 02:37:39 UTC  

please do

2020-09-07 02:38:37 UTC  

@Chief Kirby sry just hoping Tyler notices it. He asked for more ways to keep signs safe in his latest vid 🙃

2020-09-07 02:40:31 UTC  


2020-09-07 02:42:20 UTC

2020-09-07 02:42:49 UTC

2020-09-07 02:43:03 UTC

2020-09-07 02:44:10 UTC  

@Ty5oN <#724105119431524394> for the first 2

2020-09-07 02:44:22 UTC  

and <#724106950018596964> for the last one

2020-09-07 02:44:31 UTC  

Ohhh got it

2020-09-07 02:45:32 UTC  

there ya go

2020-09-07 02:45:51 UTC  

So many categories lol. I just joined a few min ago

2020-09-07 02:45:58 UTC  

i know

2020-09-07 02:47:18 UTC  

Much organization

2020-09-07 02:47:51 UTC  

So, no talking in meme channels. Is there anything else? I scanned over the rules but I guess I didn’t see that