Discord ID: 754196398056013844
AGAIN SARCASM GOES OVER YOUR HEAD <a:TE_PepeLaugh:687200285826744332>
Ah fuck sakes I'm done for real this time
Have a good one lad 🤣
sarcasm is supposed to be funny and this just isnt your literally the only one luaghing
Fuck sales I'll come back again
and cant even stick to your words
Lad get your dildo out of your pussycrack
And lighten up, it might not be funny to you, but you don't have to act like a offended feminist about it
Just move on that simple, reason I keep coming back because you make it so easy to fuck with you
your the only one who is refusing to move on youve said bye 3 time now
I keep coming back because you keep replying, and that's just more opportunities to fuck with you
You don't understand that though, if you were smart you would just say "ok :+1:"
But you type out a reply which makes it another easy target for me to fuck with
14. Please be Respectful!!!
7. Profanity is allowed but excessive use will result in a warning.
Alright wolf let's end it for real because the mod is here
its should have gotten a warn
@Мстислав "Нещадний" Дельссон specifically you
Dont worry lad I will
I'll just post memes for this week like I did before
I'll stay out of drama
ehh I mean you don't have to just post memes, you can talk, just follow the rules,
not really that hard
Eh I don't talk much anyways here, still trying to get on motw so I can get the memelord role
lol okay
This makes sense because Tom Hanks
Yeah Tom Hanks is a beotch.
2020 memes is full of just old memes. change my mind
Haven't seen a lot of them.
like 3/4ths of the memes are old and reused but everyone seams not to notice
just this
has sent me into a laughing fit that has lasted too long
also because I can relate to this really well
that face is quite accurate <:KEK:726877368601411624>