Message from @I Love Mike Pence
Discord ID: 758859859223117835
This is like the Democratic equivalent to being a socialist and pro-abortion but claiming you're a Conservative
@Erby Does that refer to "main account"?
I dont twatter much
@Rusty_Fork /disagree
Democrat and Republican really refer to where you like to centralize power. Democrats are for larger central governments and Republicans are for smaller central but larger state governments.
There used to be, back in the 70's and before, liberal Republicans and conservative democrats. The Overton window actually was somewhat inverted in that overlap.
Or outright nonexistent. Rather.
@kriegor191 it can apply to any social media account, really. "horny on main" implies that he uses another account just for a lewd account, only to accidentally have his carnal desires show up on his main account.
Ah ok 👌
Are beaning beans
Looking for memes
New born Lives Matter.
Gary Lamb, "message to _____" meme
I was promised *infinite memes?*
Wasnt there an AOC meme channel?
I would've loved that
they mergered all the dems into 1 section basically
who ever made this
After 2 hours of scrolling i finally caught up to all the memes
they are going to hell... whoever did :/
Ive also had 5 margaritas so that could be why
lol I had a small glass of wine
@The Radical Raccoon Please tell me that this is not real.
It probably is.
*"Toothbrushes fall under the same category as women's razors and the pink tax. Therefore, the toothbrushes are sexist.*
@I Love Mike Pence no talking in meme channels.
Oh ok sorry about that
No problem.