Message from @DarkbeatK

Discord ID: 760901020238348350

2020-09-30 15:49:55 UTC  

I don’t know if they are allowed to have notes at a debate but it’s pretty common for them to have them when they go to talk at a podium.

2020-09-30 15:50:54 UTC  

It wasn't paper it was a wire oh I see oops

2020-09-30 15:51:59 UTC  

Yeah it looks like some kind of tech to me as well but maybe it’s just his cocaine

2020-09-30 16:02:09 UTC  

He had a few moments that were strange. People are trying to say that the "Wire" in his shirt was actually a crease from the shirt. I tell you what, I wear a lot of nice shirts like that, almost every day, and I have never seen my shirt crease to the point where it makes a black line that stays there for a few seconds.

2020-09-30 16:04:12 UTC  

Also I need to point out that I am disappointed in Twitter. Usually they can get these trends to have 50+K Tweets at this point, but I guess most of the Twitter using basement dwellers are still sleeping, it is barely noon on the East coast after all.

2020-09-30 16:07:19 UTC  

Maybe the other half leveled up(woke up) and got banned finally.

2020-09-30 16:17:13 UTC  

guys if anyone can link an instance of Wallace being unfair id like to see it. I watched the entire debate and trump was being really annoying and now everyone is saying that Wallace was trying to help Biden. I just don't see that and I am a huge trump supporter and will be voting for trump in november just FYI

2020-09-30 16:18:33 UTC  

also Wallace interrupting trump because he went 20 seconds over his time doesn't count cause thats his job

2020-09-30 16:19:32 UTC  

its just frustrating when Trump had a sub par debate performance but most people blame Wallace instead of Trump

2020-09-30 16:19:49 UTC  

i mean its not the end of the world that he had a bad debate

2020-09-30 16:19:53 UTC  

joe wasnt good either

2020-09-30 16:20:22 UTC  

It cuts off a bit quick but Trump had him on the ropes in this clip

2020-09-30 16:21:55 UTC  

ok but was that the end of time for the segment? he did get at least 10 seconds of Biden stumbling to name a law enforcement group that supports him, so that was still a win

2020-09-30 16:22:49 UTC  

if it was the end of time for the segment its not Wallace's job to let Trump continue just because he was 'winning' that argument. you see what I'm saying. Then everyone would be saying that wallace was biased towards trump

2020-09-30 16:24:19 UTC  

There was a moment where Trump straight up says "I guess I am debating you, but that does not surprise me"
Give it a few hours and I bet there will be some good compilations on YT that I see go up. I will let you know when I see them

2020-09-30 16:28:04 UTC  

Funny story me gov teacher wants my class to make a meme on the debates last night lol. What is the best free photo editing software?

2020-09-30 16:28:27 UTC  

i just use imgflip but you can't edit on that well

2020-09-30 16:28:30 UTC  

MS paint <:kappa:364045336773263362>

2020-09-30 16:28:36 UTC  


2020-09-30 16:29:00 UTC  

Don't count MS paint out, I got the purple name with it

2020-09-30 16:29:10 UTC  


2020-09-30 16:32:10 UTC  

I use photoshop mix it's free and must be easy to use I can use it .

2020-09-30 16:32:34 UTC  

I use paint 3d

2020-09-30 16:34:55 UTC  

Oh come on it wasn't even that loud

2020-09-30 16:35:28 UTC is the definition of ear rape.

2020-09-30 16:35:38 UTC  

It's mildly loud

2020-09-30 16:50:03 UTC  

i cant tell if its satire or not but i love it either way

2020-09-30 16:52:53 UTC

2020-09-30 17:02:04 UTC  

Alright thx for the help

2020-09-30 17:03:19 UTC  

@Kaladin I just rewatched the segment, Biden was asked about if he supports BLM and the defunding of the police which he talks about for a minute or so. Trump comes in with that clip there, and Chris cuts them off by saying "I want to get to another subject, which is the issue of protests"

2020-09-30 17:04:15 UTC  

He then asks Biden the next question so Trump could not refer to the previous segment. Not sure if it is up to him as to who to ask first, but just an observation.

2020-09-30 17:18:08 UTC  

Who has seen that Kyle rittenhouse meme? I just posted it in firearms meme chat. I found it funny as heck.

2020-09-30 17:52:31 UTC  

Also @Kaladin Ben Shapiro seems to be doing a pretty good compilation right now, check his channel in a bit when the livestream is uploaded

2020-09-30 18:05:17 UTC  

post debate drinking game - all notable words in the debate list that was for the drinking game, if the msm shows it, it's another drink/sip

2020-09-30 18:11:35 UTC  

something from my meme war chest

2020-09-30 18:32:45 UTC

2020-09-30 18:32:58 UTC