Message from @SkinnyMofo
Discord ID: 793780549520457748
Were you able to find the part that answered your question?
Good good
@SkinnyMofo Too cursed.
Jews r bad
Can someone please explain the Twisted Tea memes i keep seeing
twisted tea was used in a face smack
Holy shit XD
smacked him so hard, the tea sprayed out
of a sealed can
Spilled some serious tea there
looked like it was worth spilling considering all the memes for it
isnt this the same thing as labeling jews during ww2
and they call us the nazi fascists..
this guy is a meme waiting to happen
i don't know where to put this but here it is
General-memes plz
This is a racism towards the Polish
No need for that.....
@BurnYourBridges you filled out the suggestion wrong. That being said, <#770284458749329439>. They are uploaded here as Tyler finds time.
Sry I'm a boomer when it comes to discord! π
@Froski thank you. Sadly, it doesn't look like it's up to date. π
@Cothelas Decaeneus for general reference, i <:5643_pixel_nop:726876980439416884> the vid for being longer than 30 secs and not being english audio
@N1br0c that video you put in <#719777555242287115> is so true and sad. With every passing day, the UK looks more and more like Airstrip One.
toying with some meme ideas off this one -
ok, made 4 memes....3 of them with boobs
@Chris-gopher please add a volume warning to your video
Ok, sorry
All good π»
Look what I made. This is the best I can do