Message from @trump2020
Discord ID: 794471519996346389
._. I dont think you have the authority to say that
You are a gay, you are no Christian
God loves everyone ^^
And i believe Jesus died on the cross for my sins
Not those that disregard his gifts
god forgave saul so he can forgive me
You throw away the gift god gave you to become something you are not
It's not like i've thrown away my feminity
i don't know how to spell feminiminity lol
You threw everything away when you decided to be a homosexual and a furry
Not to break this up but <#766008415717294120> that just hurts
being a furry isnt a sin, but being gay is
id die if i lived there lol
Yeah ok i dont think im gonna engage in this conversation anymore because that makes no sense
The vet wall wtf also PING
And I didn't really decide to be gay, I had a crush on my sunday school teacher when i was like 6. she was a girl and i was a girl
so *shrug*
anyways im gonna play some among us
ok nvm no among us
they literally saw the killer (red) and all voted for purple
Wait you are red
among us is a bit cringe
unless its with the boys
i was black
let me enjoy my game time >:(
You know I have always wondered what makes people want to compete in the wipe out course
I don’t know many people who want to get beaten up for fun
I remember playing the Wii game for it with my friends lol
Wtf was that convo earlier today about?
Hiring more people and increasing wages. I think it should be one or the other, not both.
I'll take more workers, personally. I get paid enough, but now because of short-staffing, I'm doing a job that I was never supposed (or trained how) to do. And the company isn't even trying to hire someone else.
And I work in the medical field, not being trained for a job is a liability and a lawsuit waiting to happen.
Which one?
@Mackerell rule 16