Message from @Son of Nerds
Discord ID: 737437993580757103
Air strike time
Yeeeeeeeeah... Get the flamethrower...
Is that club penguin?
This isn't a meme channel guys.@Deleted User @Mauler @Dr Badass PhD @Thunder face
well...technically we're responding via meme to the post
Sorry Smokie
Sorry mate
shit, i was waiting for google glass to come out so i can remotely leer from a distance with zoom and safe functions
I made a joke about men raping people with their eyes I didn't think it would actually start to become a thing
i made a joke about licking door handles too when the virus first blew up and then people started actually licking doorknobs and airplane toilet seats
There are two things that are infinite: human stupidity and the universe, and I doubt that the universe is infinite.
That is why I like the internet. Whenever I think I saw the most stupidest thing, someone else manages to outdo the last one.
meryl...they didn't stop with airplane toilet seats...they were doing the bowls too...and everywhere
Cause of death: Covid 19
wonder if sharks can get covid
No, but if they dont wear a mask they can spread it
Bruh 🤣🤣🤣
Lmao that one dude got it
Their issue with him isn't climate change, their problem is that he isnt willing to spend trillions of taxpayer dollars on shit programs that don't actually do anything to help the Damn environment, and have actually been shown to actively damage it in many cases.
Wow, never in my 18 years of existence on this earth would I think that asshats in this country would have the audacity to openly invite foreign meddling in a sovereign nation’s election. This is ridiculous and it has to stop
That’s ridiculous, basically overthrowing the country by making the citizens votes count next to nothing
Exactly, and for what? Being the “leader of the free world”? I say the rest of the world can fuck off and we should go back to isolationism, aka doing our own thing. Let these people destroy each other over fake outrage and propaganda
It was a bad idea from the beginning
Last time I checked nations have borders, we are not one united global order and never will be, the world is too big for that, even in the digital age. If you don’t respect our sovereign borders and our laws, then fuck off. You don’t get to tell our nation what to do, you can work with us or leave us alone. Alternatively, if you want to go to war with us over this bs, bring it on because we’ll spank your ass too. I’m sick and tired of other nations feeling like they are entitled to have a say in everything the US does, you don’t, we are our own country, and if you don’t respect us then you can fuck off with the rest of them
Related: found this business card when my dad was running for Congress in Washington State. I think it was '94. Dont quote me on that.