Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 747407729932632095

2020-08-24 10:44:46 UTC  

That’s disgusting

2020-08-24 10:44:51 UTC  


2020-08-24 10:45:01 UTC  

I hope she can learn from it and know it’s not something it to joke about

2020-08-24 10:45:05 UTC  

It’s serious

2020-08-24 10:45:50 UTC  

the bitter irony is all those trans ppl, all those insane liberals with these 'great socialism' ideas...will be the first to get killed off the socialist nation is set up

2020-08-24 10:46:01 UTC  


2020-08-24 10:46:06 UTC  

But they don’t see that

2020-08-24 10:46:13 UTC  

also all the drug addicts..and all the useless criminals

2020-08-24 10:46:32 UTC  

anybody with any useful skills will be spared for slave labor

2020-08-24 10:46:41 UTC  

Yes, and also there most likely would be child labour.

2020-08-24 10:46:58 UTC  

only direct party members running the show will remain at their posts of power

2020-08-24 10:47:48 UTC  

Yeah i feel like anybody who supports socialism or blm should be shipped to China and see how bad communism really is

2020-08-24 10:48:03 UTC  

child labor ..child sex feed the scientific class mostly..kinda hard to get them to think with a gun facing them properly unless they get their daily 'carrot'

2020-08-24 10:48:48 UTC  

the bankers except for the elites will be taken out and shot as well

2020-08-24 10:49:07 UTC  

only elites will be running the 'show' of the socialistic nation

2020-08-24 10:49:23 UTC  

Yeah this whole “communist” idea of “we” (as the left like to say) thinking communist makes everyone equal. Pay. And how life is. Is WRONg so wrong but they can’t see that. Only the super powerful will be in control. The riches of the rich (such as holliweird ect) will be in power so their whole stance of “eat the rich” is stupid af the “normal” folk will be poor and salves whilst the top of the top reap the benefits.

2020-08-24 10:49:41 UTC  

The destruction of America being illustrated as we speak

2020-08-24 10:49:47 UTC  

any person not in any use, will be purged

2020-08-24 10:50:33 UTC  

we've seen this's happened plenty of times in plenty of nations ...

2020-08-24 10:51:28 UTC  

North Korea is what communism is. And they only show the “good” parts

2020-08-24 10:51:28 UTC  

and this is somehow not taught this to these 'marxist' followers

2020-08-24 10:51:51 UTC  

north korea is a slave state nation

2020-08-24 10:51:58 UTC  

Ask anyone who has left a communist country what they think about it

2020-08-24 10:52:20 UTC  

the current rulers there are puppet players...only because they inherited the roles

2020-08-24 10:52:26 UTC  

Yeah you know what’s sad is that my mom is 100% Korean we currently live in the states right now but because of the communists my moms side of the family is partly missing she never really got to know them

2020-08-24 10:52:46 UTC  

It’s disgusting that these people given even an ounce of praise to those ideologies that has killed millions

2020-08-24 10:53:23 UTC  

most of the lowly street ppl or working class ex communist nation ppl would tell u a ton of shit about perils of communism

2020-08-24 10:53:54 UTC  

the higher class of ppl on the other hand...they're the spies/sheeple to spread the infection

2020-08-24 10:54:26 UTC  

Anyways I have already heard this conversation before in my family although it’s a good thing to listen to it’s currently super early in the morning and I haven’t gone to sleep so I’m going to go now

2020-08-24 10:55:03 UTC  

well i'm bit of a history buff, and i do study some political conflicts around the world

2020-08-24 10:55:23 UTC  

@Pie Good bye, nice talking with you 👋🏻

2020-08-24 10:55:46 UTC  

technically we won korea war, but we lost it because we were ordered to retreat to the dmz

2020-08-24 10:56:12 UTC  

I love history too, unfortunately I lost a lot of that passion because of school.

2020-08-24 10:56:14 UTC  

let that sink in...

2020-08-24 10:56:22 UTC  

Yeah it was fun talking to you guys too just goes to show we all have the same thinking and we are against communism

2020-08-24 10:56:37 UTC  

well schools went down hill after formation of dept of education

2020-08-24 10:56:44 UTC  


2020-08-24 10:56:58 UTC  

i think most of the education lies started to happen then

2020-08-24 10:57:13 UTC  

Death is the preferable alternative to communism- liberty prime from fallout

2020-08-24 10:57:52 UTC  

Yes and yes

2020-08-24 10:57:57 UTC  

Scary thing is