Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 734554704134144121
or somehow biased
That’s my take
sorry I just dont know much about the CDC
okay but ya
that seems to be a logical explanation
No need to apologize. I don’t know much either, but there has been a massive false narrative pushed and I’m certain the swamp is embedded at the top of every last governmental department (aside from those already removed by DJT), so it makes sense that they would have a part to play in the scam.
What the real end goal is, I’m not sure. Tank the economy? Mail in ballots? Negative Trump image? Push for a new norm for more nefarious reasons? All of the above? Without evidence it’s all speculation, but strange things are definitely afoot at the Circle K.
Something's up
duh....just waiting for u all to notice and wake up
> @SeamusMac
> Y tho
@Tsar Vladimir Putin We’re gonna find out soon I hope.
Yeah i hope so
Indictments may be coming in the obamagate case
@KumquatLord link?
Is there anybody out there?
No (@thedonalddotwin) Tweeted:
Seems Google has officially blacklisted
i have TONS of those signs out here in the country
see one?
turn the corner boom another one
see a sign?
boom there's also a flag
I see tons of Trump signs as well, this was the first one I saw with the No More Bullshit tag line 😄. Still see a lot of Hillary for Prison signs too
Can ya'll come to California and put up some signs please? Its seriously considered a hate crime out here to just say "Donald Trump is our President" or wear a MAGA hat.
Any of you guys see the video of a mob assaulting a kid for wearing a MAGA hat and the cops then try and blame him for it all? Or the one kicked off a plane because people made death threats at him but it was his fault because the hat?
They blame it on him instead of blaming it on the side who literally wants them defunded.
i'd probably get arrested
Was this in Portland? Where would the police blame the victim of assault, MAGA hat or no MAGA hat? It’s sad what the left has done to CA...
And just the whole west coast in general
The Left Coast
The closer you are to china, the more you left