Message from @Jade Sierra Wolf IX
Discord ID: 773805364083687486
Keep up the faith
Too stressed to sleep
me too. having a few drinks, hopefully put me out
What is sleep <:dogekek:726878872607653918>
Trump is up in Georgia by 23k votes
14k votes left to count
Are they recounting some states?
Wisconsin is planned to have a recount
We have a minute
A minute to the AZ numbers?
This counter is slow
125% voter turn out here in Nevada?
How do you vote if you're unregistered..... What the heck is happening
CNN of all places flipped Arizona from Blue to Toss Up
I guess CNN wants to gain more peoples’ trust ”when biden wins”
CNN wtf
In 2016
If Trump is supposed to do better in red states than Biden
He gets it
When are they counting the votes?
They said they are “downloading”
Whatever the hell that means
We were supposed to get results an hour ago
probably "downloading" on an iPhone 2 running Internet Explorer with 1 bar of wifi
Awaiting AZ drop