Message from @Chemyst
Discord ID: 775855235713073172
Sorry, I guess this isn’t the right group for that.
Should I remove?
just take the god damn shot
Idk if that's sarcasm or not, but I don't think that anyone should be forced to take the shot.
I am not an anti-vaxxer (disclaimer)
I believe Biden would force it
also un-verified dms are not news in the slightest
I'm not even sure Biden could force food down his throat...
or society as a whole would enforce it by only allowing vaccinated people to shop or go to restaurants or events
but i think this is not right discussion place for this
If Biden forces it there will be lawsuits
That would be a logistical nightmare to track everyone
lawsuits? Try to come near me with a needle without my conset lmao
the government should not force you to take it but employers might not like having a rat licker working for them
@S70-Ace totally valid point. Just got antsy and wanted to share when I read it lol. My bad all.
How do you become speaker of the house? Because don't the Democrats have more than Republicans?
I’m glad I wasn’t there, or that kid might’ve gotten a crowbar to the head. Disgusting. And released to boot. They will all get justice in the end.
LEGAL justice. Fckrs
@xWarzardx Since 1839, the House has elected speakers by roll call vote. ... To be elected speaker, a candidate must receive an absolute majority of the votes cast, as opposed to an absolute majority of the full membership of the House – presently 218 votes, in a House of 435.
Keep on mind a lot of moderate dems do not like her
and the far left 2
Ya he is saying that because 10 democrats voted against Nancy pelosi
she really only has the older dems on her side
So because the gap is narrowed, there is no longer a speaker?
maybe for a while
Finally can have a 3rd in line to launch codes, who wasnt duped by a hair salon lol
lol the media will call Biden **FORMER PRESIDENT ELECT** when this is all over 😂
Cute, funny, but... I dunno, I feel like it’s exactly that kind of attitude that got us here. If there were more transparency down here on earth with regular human problems, maybe we could all then collectively handle paradigm shifts more gracefully. We’re like our own worst enemies half the time. @C_LaClair I dunno, maybe I’m being too idealistic.
HOLY SHIT! This to me says everything.
"last minut update"??? Try Last minute electronic cheating program.