Message from @matthew’s’hoes
Discord ID: 778656228875436104
And isn't the kraken also getting bigger as time goes on?
She said she released it
If you didn’t listen to Lin Wood on Mark Levin yesterday go do it. We’ve got this.
It's probably a badass titanium steel Kraken
Growing tentacles every hour that passes
Has the case already happened?
Real Kraken
It's probably for the SCOTUS
Hmmmm We’ve got this 😉
what the f u c k
can that be contested-
after they certified
We’ve been waiting for this.
@Pal3Rid3r what is it? It doesn’t load for me
@matthew’s’hoes what isn’t loading?
My IG post?
wait a min is that good for us? it says they certified irregular votes so those are the dem votes right
Dw Trump will sue
Easiest sue I’ve ever seen
It’s a reference showing there are printable RFID trackers. In the paper. Even if they threw thousands of ballots away. We could still track and find them. If the watermark theory holds true.
Oh wow
Think Space Force
We see everything!!
We have it all.
^ lin wood's filing
States have until Dec 8
Electoral college votes on December 14
I'm from Wayne County can't believe this.