Message from @DarkbeatK
Discord ID: 779445692108242956
I do agree, it is coming to a point where the call to action will step outside of the 'peaceful protest' very soon
why not both?
I'm more Libertarian-Right Wing
Although riots will not work well, but a removal of corrupt politicians
The fight shouldn't be against the public. Against citizens who are being lied to. It should be against the people doing the lying. That's where the left is wrong above all else.
Come to discussion room so I don’t have to flip flop
Fight in self defense, or against evil. Not against the people who are being herded and lied to.
How is anyone supposed to know what's real or not. They are being lied to, and many don't know the whole situation. They are victims.
Stupid? Yes.
Deserving of harm? Maybe.
But we shouldn't.
You lose when you become the people you are trying to defeat.
Move this conversation to <#760648730431979560>
I seen this before.
That is going to the court.
Sharing that in Parler.
It is times like these when you really wish time travel was a thing. Just go a month ahead and see what happens.
Then that would ruin the surprise.
maybe some of us like being teased, b-baka
nice, Justice Kavanaugh is overseeing the Circuit i'm in
Has the assignment of SCOTUS Justices been alloted to Circuit Courts like this before? It's an area I've never checked into.
I hear bells ringing in the air...
Cause Clarence must've gotten his wings, and he's looking at Georgia...
Clarence Thomas assigned in GA, oh Biden is fucked.
I'm pretty sure Clarence Thomas already had the 11th circuit district.
And ACB assigned in Wisconsin.
Yes, Ruth Bader Ginsburg used to have held the 2nd circuit but now Sonia Sotomayor has it now. (whom used to have the 6th circuit)
Samuel Anthony Alito Jr. is an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. He was nominated by President George W. Bush on October 31, 2005, and has served since January 31, 2006.
Who was assigned in the 4th and 9th circuit?
4th is assigned to Chief Justice John Roberts and 9th is assigned to Associate Justice Elena Kagan.
Both of whom were previously assigned to these circuits.
I know Im an idiot but what does this mean for the election?
SCOTUS cases?
I got Barrett!
Hoosier gang AAOOO
Me too!