Message from @Christmas Chosen One
Discord ID: 780525302140239933
Aight, I’m done
We’re watching 😏
“Military grade sting operation!”
Don’t take my word for it. Listen to them 👆🏽👆🏽
I mean, if it’s right I’ll follow you like Jesus but until we know anything for certain, I’ll brace for the worst
I doubt it's going to change much
You asked for confirmation. I’ve provided it. Several.
How many coincidences will it take you to believe?
None of this is real proof, but I will admit you definitely have my attention and put up a lot of sources
I’ve got three years invested in this operation. Sit back and enjoy the show. 🍿🍿🍿🍿
I guess we’ll know for sure once everything is released to the public, but if it’s true I’m definitely breaking out the popcorn
We are about to see the Marines deployed around the country, in helo operations, snatch teams will start rounding up high profile individuals for arrest. This is treason we’re talking about.
God I hope so
In the end, God wins patriots.
Don't put much stock into Q. It's a democrat disinformation campaign to make conservatives seem like crazies
it was outed a while back so I don't know how it really picked up steam this year but I guess that's how things go
Any proof? Why is MSM so afraid of it? Why is social media banning it?
Seems to me 90% of MSMs message is disinformation
Whoever is pulling the strings for MSM seems to be invested in war
Everything on MSM is designed to piss large groups of people off. No news anymore
that's quite the history in court of appeals....
@Pal3Rid3r amen brother. Your a great researcher.
something is odd about this website though. 2020 copyright, dead links, etc
seems to be legitimate it's sourced through other journalistic pathways in conjuction with michael flynn case
I’m just a guy on a phone trying to help wake people up to the truth. I appreciate you!
Which government website works correctly? 🤣
Prolly the payment section of the IRS
Can we tag a mod to get a screenshot of that statement for Zeds next YLYL video?
Why tag a mod? 😦
*Froski is not a mod.*