Message from @PRIVILEGED N.P.C.
Discord ID: 780592229110513674
but still technically a part of the administration
Jenna Ellis is still tweeting of progress in the legal preceedings so the election is still not over.
I didn't know tweets decided our elections. I'll wait until the electoral college casts their votes.
They really don't unless they show actual evidence.
"Evidence" means nothing unless presented in court, and Rudy... is not doing a very good job of presenting, to say the least.
We all know what the evidence is suppose to be.
He wants scotus to decide
Not a potential paid operative
Or either than that, the House of Legislatures.
29 Red states and there is 20 Blue states.
You need a total of 26 votes to win.
1 state = 1 vote
Faster he gets it pushed to scotus the more time they have to prove their case
If nearly every court rudy goes in front of is paid off, i'm impressed.
He doesnt know that
He knows if a constitutional judge sees the case they have a better chance
And making a fool of himself in court helps how?
They're not showing evidence on purpose
Logic 100
I'll go with it, see if this interesting strategy results in anything worthwile.
Who cares what people think once he wins hell be the man
The FBI doesn't want to get involved because they are the swamp
I just don't see how failing at presenting evidence = go to SCOTUS.
The judges that are ruling in favor of biden now have allowed unconstitutional cases fly. That's not the judge you want trying this case
Of course, i'm probably missing something here.
It's getting thrown out before witnesses get to testify
If Rudy wins in a lower court, Biden's team will appeal to the supreme court with a better defense, time to prepare against all the evidence.
Alito called it Unconstitution.
Biden's team is basically his dying braincells.
And Rudy is much better? I guess, but not my much...
He's only got until Dec. 14th when electors cast their votes, so he better have something big ready soon.
Rudy is one of the top lawyers in the country just because he is a strange looking creature doesnt mean hes brain dead
Fair enough
I am glad he is an honest man.
Jenna Ellis is smart.
when will the major lawsuit be?
supposedly wednesday