Message from @PRIVILEGED N.P.C.

Discord ID: 782118755915661343

2020-11-28 04:00:48 UTC  

I had a feeling that ACORN didn't just disappear after they were outed years ago.

2020-11-28 04:16:07 UTC  

This story is _nuts_

2020-11-28 04:25:40 UTC  

Hope Pennsylvania legislatures don't go for a straight Democrat ticket

2020-11-28 04:26:47 UTC  

Lin Wood (@LLinWood) Tweeted:
Me check out? NEVER.

Extra busy day today. Mountains of evidence being received from We The People.

Massive fraud in every state.

One almost begins to feel that the globalists/Communists/Deep State bad actors knew they would be caught. But don’t care.

Why would they not care?

2020-11-28 04:28:13 UTC  

@xWarzardx Republican Senator Mastriano after the Hearings, started a resolution to have electors added to pick Trump as the winner of the state.

2020-11-28 04:29:24 UTC  

@JudgeAzule wonder how long that process will take until it's all said and done.

2020-11-28 04:29:40 UTC  

Probably close to the 14th of December

2020-11-28 04:52:20 UTC  


2020-11-28 04:55:14 UTC  

We got PA?

2020-11-28 04:55:48 UTC  

If the conservative legislation don't suddenly commit suicide and vote for Biden. It sounds like it

2020-11-28 04:56:55 UTC  

They are looking for Pro-Trump Electors

2020-11-28 04:57:26 UTC  

And this certifies the state for Trump

2020-11-28 05:00:49 UTC  


2020-11-28 05:01:32 UTC  

It's going to SCOTUS anyways and it might as well just flip red at this point. :/

2020-11-28 05:01:46 UTC  


2020-11-28 05:33:15 UTC  

im down for a trump win but i also want all the fake ballots to be tossed

2020-11-28 05:35:52 UTC  

I want it all exposed

2020-11-28 05:43:44 UTC  

Well then peeps. I see a blue state and need to paint it red

2020-11-28 06:07:00 UTC  


2020-11-28 06:09:28 UTC  

honestly New York look like it could turn red next time thank to all the hate the cuomo as been point at the jews

2020-11-28 06:10:00 UTC  

but its going to be put with the crazes and the victims.

2020-11-28 06:10:01 UTC  

Well skeith o saw something with dominion in NY

2020-11-28 06:10:29 UTC  

That 70000 votes in NY were deleted or flipped from trump

2020-11-28 06:10:42 UTC  

But that was when the investigation was early

2020-11-28 06:10:47 UTC  

Probably more than that now

2020-11-28 06:11:22 UTC  

But at the time, trump would have only been down by 100k votes

2020-11-28 06:12:04 UTC

2020-11-28 06:12:19 UTC  

thats still a lot higher then I tho trump would get there

2020-11-28 06:25:30 UTC  

Where that

2020-11-28 06:29:26 UTC  

NY nice wow

2020-11-28 06:29:43 UTC  

Trump gained 600k votes wtf

2020-11-28 06:29:57 UTC  


2020-11-28 07:29:45 UTC  

Sidney Powell said there are at least 10 million fraud votes for biden

2020-11-28 07:30:35 UTC  

That would make trump win all the battleground states by millions of ballots