Message from @PRIVILEGED N.P.C.

Discord ID: 783424764772483112

If kept at the rate that it was in before the flop. VA would went red.

2020-12-01 20:02:19 UTC  

This is being blasted all over

2020-12-01 20:02:23 UTC  

Barr, c'mon man

2020-12-01 20:03:51 UTC  

The FEC Chairman believes there is fraud

2020-12-01 20:04:18 UTC  

The people of Japan believes there is fraud

2020-12-01 20:04:28 UTC  

And the Brazilian President believes there is fraud

2020-12-01 20:05:16 UTC  

What is Barr trying to do?

2020-12-01 20:05:38 UTC  

Be a fool

2020-12-01 20:05:48 UTC  


2020-12-01 20:05:49 UTC  

After his 1 day of research with epstein and called it off I figured he'd do this.

2020-12-01 20:06:11 UTC  

That's all he did

2020-12-01 20:06:12 UTC  


2020-12-01 20:06:57 UTC  

Now the question is - was he threatened or paid off

2020-12-01 20:07:49 UTC  

I thought he was trying to do some weird 4d chess move by misleading their enemies

2020-12-01 20:08:24 UTC  

I'd doubt it with him

2020-12-01 20:09:29 UTC  

Id wait a day till its more "apparent" whats going on. This is the AP and MSM...ya the ones who "officially" selected their elect.

2020-12-01 20:10:24 UTC  

True, but I wouldn't hold my breath

2020-12-01 20:10:35 UTC  

Never do...πŸ˜‹

2020-12-01 20:35:32 UTC  

I never trusted AP

2020-12-01 20:35:45 UTC  

They cry like Lefties

2020-12-01 20:36:38 UTC  

They ARE lefties....FTFY heh

2020-12-01 20:43:13 UTC  

I had a feeling

2020-12-01 20:46:01 UTC  

who knows who said what lol

2020-12-01 20:46:33 UTC  

All I know is don't trust marxist media outlets

2020-12-01 20:47:02 UTC  

i don't trust any type of media right now. There's too much bias on both ends

2020-12-01 20:47:40 UTC  

i mean.. this could be one giant fever dream for all i know

2020-12-01 20:47:51 UTC  

The Nazi Germany AP? Why would you ever trust them, lol.

2020-12-01 20:48:35 UTC  

like i said.. it's just bias on both ends.. you don't know who said what unless they recorded the interview or if you were actually there

2020-12-01 20:48:59 UTC  

That's a rather silly defeatist attitude.

2020-12-01 20:49:50 UTC  

not really πŸ˜‰ It's called 'being skeptical'

2020-12-01 20:50:11 UTC  

Of course we know who said what. It's just we are relying on media outlets that have known to twist and obfuscate people they interview. Why are we surprised that medias like the AP and CNN "report" these 'interviews' only to find out someone facts checks them that is not part of the same media?

2020-12-01 20:50:26 UTC  

and there's the bias...

2020-12-01 20:50:29 UTC  

Not all skepticism are created equal.

2020-12-01 20:50:52 UTC  

There's no such thing as unbiased source.

2020-12-01 20:51:07 UTC  

Bias is inevitably inherent in human nature.