Message from @Dstar_Destroyer

Discord ID: 783422768456269854

2020-12-01 19:51:21 UTC  

and refused to call FL TX and NC

2020-12-01 19:51:30 UTC  

literally called NC after MI and WI

How can VA be for Biden when Trump was leading 56% at the time when election was happening

2020-12-01 19:51:39 UTC  


2020-12-01 19:52:01 UTC  

but if the dems didnt win VA

Then the results flipped Trump went from 56% to 42%

And Biden went from 42% to 56%

2020-12-01 19:52:28 UTC  


2020-12-01 19:52:34 UTC  

they literally just flip flopped?

Yes, They did

2020-12-01 19:52:57 UTC  

ok wtf

Rudy has noticed it

Thank god

It not that he didn't see it

2020-12-01 19:54:46 UTC  

They say it was Fairfax and the Arlington area but I was watching those election night. They were at 80% reporting with Biden with a little bit of a lead before the "whatever" happened, then went down to 18% reporting.

2020-12-01 19:55:16 UTC  

According to RCP

If kept at the rate that it was in before the flop. VA would went red.

2020-12-01 20:02:19 UTC  

This is being blasted all over

2020-12-01 20:02:23 UTC  

Barr, c'mon man

2020-12-01 20:03:51 UTC  

The FEC Chairman believes there is fraud

2020-12-01 20:04:18 UTC  

The people of Japan believes there is fraud

2020-12-01 20:04:28 UTC  

And the Brazilian President believes there is fraud

2020-12-01 20:05:16 UTC  

What is Barr trying to do?

2020-12-01 20:05:38 UTC  

Be a fool

2020-12-01 20:05:48 UTC  


2020-12-01 20:05:49 UTC  

After his 1 day of research with epstein and called it off I figured he'd do this.

2020-12-01 20:06:11 UTC  

That's all he did

2020-12-01 20:06:12 UTC  


2020-12-01 20:06:57 UTC  

Now the question is - was he threatened or paid off

2020-12-01 20:07:49 UTC  

I thought he was trying to do some weird 4d chess move by misleading their enemies

2020-12-01 20:08:24 UTC  

I'd doubt it with him

2020-12-01 20:09:29 UTC  

Id wait a day till its more "apparent" whats going on. This is the AP and MSM...ya the ones who "officially" selected their elect.

2020-12-01 20:10:24 UTC  

True, but I wouldn't hold my breath

2020-12-01 20:10:35 UTC  

Never do...πŸ˜‹

2020-12-01 20:35:32 UTC  

I never trusted AP