Message from @Mr.Shrek

Discord ID: 784325496950489098

2020-12-04 04:31:29 UTC  

We've probably had proof for a while now

2020-12-04 04:33:41 UTC  

yeah the post above me:

2020-12-04 04:33:52 UTC  


2020-12-04 04:33:57 UTC  


2020-12-04 04:34:28 UTC  


2020-12-04 04:39:22 UTC  

Hell yeah

2020-12-04 04:39:34 UTC  

I can taste victory

2020-12-04 05:42:04 UTC  

How many do they have?

2020-12-04 05:54:27 UTC  

Another Freudian slip, but, look at how kamala goes from nodding rhythmically in approval as he speaks, to quickly and slightly shaking her head in disapproval when he gets too truthful, but then he gets away from the idea and completes the sentence, to which she returns to rhythmic, nodding approval...
Like training a dog.

2020-12-04 06:12:35 UTC  

He’ll do it

2020-12-04 06:15:10 UTC  

different vids

2020-12-04 06:45:07 UTC  

thats a nice title joe. it would be a shame if someone took it away from you <:SupremeThomas:782940055366270996>

2020-12-04 06:51:07 UTC  

poor Darrin, he thought he was going to Biden's little pogchamp πŸ’”

2020-12-04 07:20:46 UTC  

There’s going to be so many ”that didn’t age well” things for a future election edition video

I hope we can either reverse some states back to Trump or get the supreme court to hear the case.

2020-12-04 07:49:17 UTC  

The supreme court can deem that there are too many irregularities to call this election constitutional

2020-12-04 07:49:30 UTC  

So then every state will get a vote

That would mean each state gets one vote

2020-12-04 07:55:50 UTC  

50 states, 50 votes

2020-12-04 07:56:09 UTC  

pr shoulda taken the offer decades ago and became a state

I think Dems have 23 and Rep have 27

If it goes down that route

Trump will mostly likely win again

2020-12-04 08:00:52 UTC  

i'm in favor of the limited martial law...and do a revote with military handling the election process to make sure it's handled constitutionally legal and proper

I doubt that going to happen though

2020-12-04 08:02:07 UTC  

theres many constitutionally supported options to least the military one offers a safer route and seriously exposes the corruption

2020-12-04 08:02:28 UTC  

when the blue districts aren't really blue

I guess they can down that route. But the real question is will they go down that route?

2020-12-04 08:10:54 UTC  

I want to see the true results martial law is the only way that will happen. It also would give trump a chance to take action on draining the swamp.

2020-12-04 08:12:39 UTC  

Also trump needs to appoint Guiliani ag. He took down the mob he has a good chance taking out the pedophiles

2020-12-04 08:14:28 UTC  

I'm willing to accept martial law if it saves us from losing all our rights forever

I am fine with anything as long as we get the real results of the election

I know Biden didn't win this fairly

2020-12-04 08:21:26 UTC  

Imo they need to make the presidental and congress races a federal matter state laws should only apply to state offices. I know Congress speaks for the states but that happens in a federal capacity

2020-12-04 08:21:55 UTC  

Federal laws should apply

2020-12-04 08:22:09 UTC  

Fingerprints required

2020-12-04 08:22:26 UTC  

they're supposed to apply on top of the existing state election laws