Message from @Tel Locus

Discord ID: 788215959034003467

2020-12-15 00:46:31 UTC  


2020-12-15 00:47:36 UTC  

Right Side Broadcasting Network had some on today

2020-12-15 00:48:25 UTC  

Just bc they weren’t on national tv doesn’t mean their votes didn’t happen.

2020-12-15 00:51:58 UTC  

yeah but are their vote legit?

2020-12-15 00:52:05 UTC  

Like they need to have a base

2020-12-15 00:56:29 UTC  

We have to win the cases first

2020-12-15 00:56:41 UTC

2020-12-15 00:56:43 UTC  

Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.

2020-12-15 00:56:57 UTC  

article 2 clause 2 of the US constitution

2020-12-15 00:59:06 UTC  

Mcpherson V Blacker upheld "The Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution does not require state legislatures to appoint their electors in the Electoral College on the basis of the popular vote. State legislatures have "plenary" power to allocate their electors however they want to"

2020-12-15 01:04:02 UTC  

to date this has never been reversed

2020-12-15 01:09:28 UTC  

so state legislature's power to choose electors is absolute and unending. California state legislature could just say "we're voting Trump" and the constitution can tell Newsome Tough shit

2020-12-15 01:19:56 UTC  

Im sitting at the bar, one tv has been on msm, breaking news for the last 3 hours that sniffy won by electoral vote, he gave this stupid speech about being the president of the people...🤮

2020-12-15 01:24:31 UTC  

didn't think they voted yet

2020-12-15 01:25:15 UTC  

If Trump actually pulls this will be the single greatest "fuck you" to the establishment in US history.

2020-12-15 01:25:40 UTC  

All the more reason why I really hope it happens

2020-12-15 01:28:12 UTC  

so NYT says that the electoral college convened and voted

2020-12-15 01:28:29 UTC  

so theres still a chance?

2020-12-15 01:28:34 UTC  

and in which states

2020-12-15 01:28:48 UTC  

by the looks of it all of them

2020-12-15 01:29:21 UTC  

can someone give a TL DR of what the hell is going on

2020-12-15 01:29:34 UTC  

and whats final and whats not

2020-12-15 01:30:16 UTC  

from what I can tell it's final that all 538 electors voted

2020-12-15 01:30:25 UTC  


2020-12-15 01:30:32 UTC  

306 Biden 232 for trump

2020-12-15 01:31:25 UTC  

Battleground states sent both electors so AZ sent 22, and like PA sent 40. Which makes more than 538 and both Trump and Biden have over 270

2020-12-15 01:31:46 UTC  

so whats going on now

2020-12-15 01:31:46 UTC  

keeping the election contested

2020-12-15 01:31:48 UTC  

of course NYT doesn't cover that

2020-12-15 01:31:58 UTC  

what lawsuits are still in play

2020-12-15 01:32:08 UTC  

and arent being tossed out for """"techicallity""""

2020-12-15 01:32:08 UTC  

we are waiting for the 2018 EO mainly

2020-12-15 01:32:15 UTC  

The guy who couldn't pull 100 people at his rallies got more votes than Obama did.... sure the MSM doesn't tell any lies

2020-12-15 01:32:20 UTC  

to expose all the china shit in this election

2020-12-15 01:32:47 UTC  

dominion voting machines were borked (or working properly for some people) \

2020-12-15 01:32:56 UTC  


2020-12-15 01:33:01 UTC  

what ties does dominion have to venezuela

2020-12-15 01:33:06 UTC  

and maduro

2020-12-15 01:33:08 UTC  

thats concrete

2020-12-15 01:33:46 UTC  

the machine used to count the ballots made by smartmatic was started and owed by venezuelans