Message from @Mafald4

Discord ID: 790403854171635732

2020-12-21 01:45:08 UTC  

is this possible time wise

2020-12-21 01:45:58 UTC  


2020-12-21 01:49:41 UTC  

Well, it's not like they didn't know this was coming and know exactly what they knowingly and willfully did that "eviscerated the Pennsylvania Legislature’s protections against mail ballot fraud". So, yes it should be possible.

2020-12-21 01:51:33 UTC  

alr, they will most likely try and drag it out, as with everything else they've done. but i hope they can get it done asap

2020-12-21 01:54:31 UTC  

If the SC even sees the case.

2020-12-21 01:54:40 UTC  

I would be surprised if scotus steps in before the votes are certified through Congress.
Scotus is the second to last option IMO.

2020-12-21 01:56:22 UTC  

Seems Justice Roberts has been raked through the coals since his last action, that he may try to recover some dignity and do it.

2020-12-21 01:57:47 UTC  

Technically scotus would be overstepping congress if they ruled on it before congress has the chance to make it right

2020-12-21 02:01:26 UTC  

But this case that the President just filed goes beyond this election in that it "has national importance, and there is a strong likelihood that the State Supreme Court decision violates the Federal Constitution", which should be sorted before Congress take action.

2020-12-21 02:07:55 UTC  

So is that PA SCOTUS case by trump looking good?

2020-12-21 02:11:22 UTC  

People are saying it's BIG.

2020-12-21 02:15:02 UTC  

but what are people doubting him for?

2020-12-21 02:16:21 UTC  

he's at WH

2020-12-21 02:16:39 UTC  

Wait, what did he say that people doubted?

2020-12-21 02:16:58 UTC  

That he was at the White House.

2020-12-21 02:17:05 UTC  


2020-12-21 02:19:07 UTC  

but we already knew martial law was just a myth.

2020-12-21 02:22:43 UTC  

He was scheduled on Pete Santilli's show this evening, but finally had to say no because apparently, shit's gonna hit the fan tomorrow. In a good way.

2020-12-21 02:23:56 UTC  

He did a punch of interviews, if you look at the article. But this is the long and short of it:
JoNova did a fantastic summary of it, so let me give you here highlights (and then scroll down for the full interview):

Some paraphrased snippets:

“We have clear evidence that they are targeting certain congressmen. I believe they are going to find two Republicans. I think it’s going to turn out that one of these Republicans at a State level may have got “election insurance”. The promise they would keep being elected. The sum involved to purchase Dominion machines was $100 million.

“Every state that uses Dominion — we should investigate who signed the order to bring it in. No one who did due diligence would.

“Call your state legislature — send them this video –Anyone who signs these “Cert” forms should go to jail. They have personal legal liability.

Details of the technique plus “more coming out tomorrow”:

The five city “Drop and Roll” technique of vote fraud
In the Drop and roll technique, they shut the voting down, calculate what they need, then drop a batch in to “Catch up”. After that they roll out for example, 53 batches in a row and each batch measures exactly 51.2% for Biden and 48.8% for Trump and they roll that difference forward. All this will be released tomorrow.

The five cities where the deep cheating went on: Atlanta, Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Detroit, and Maracopa County, Arizona. They hide behind black regions so then they will call you a racist if you question it."

2020-12-21 02:34:43 UTC  

Byrne couldn't make show... doing bigger things. Tomorrow big news.

2020-12-21 02:46:19 UTC  

What happened today?

2020-12-21 02:56:43 UTC  

Nothing lol.

2020-12-21 03:02:06 UTC

2020-12-21 03:04:52 UTC  

Buzzfeed/occupy democrats be like

2020-12-21 03:06:51 UTC  

Trump when he was 10

2020-12-21 03:44:09 UTC  

"for now"

2020-12-21 03:59:09 UTC  

Nah, should probably just riot now or start planning.

2020-12-21 04:18:40 UTC  

Not much to bite with Q stuff

2020-12-21 05:51:24 UTC  

This is so big

2020-12-21 05:53:25 UTC  

"consider" is such a sus term

2020-12-21 05:54:10 UTC  

I don't fucking understand.

2020-12-21 06:29:36 UTC  

they will consider if they're loyal to the constitution or their masters

2020-12-21 06:30:12 UTC  

Protest there tomorrow!!! Show them the power of WE THE PEOPLE.

2020-12-21 06:55:11 UTC  

Then they would be accused of giving in to protestors.