Message from @Meryl.140.15

Discord ID: 797249507564716052

2021-01-08 23:07:53 UTC  

where was the punch

2021-01-08 23:14:05 UTC  

There wasn't any. He got slightly pushed in the shoulder.

2021-01-08 23:30:39 UTC  

cry some more bitch, hes still the president for 12 more days...

2021-01-08 23:35:52 UTC  

If you want to see someone's true character... give them power.
We see what the left does with power...

2021-01-08 23:36:12 UTC  

who knows maybe a miracle will happen and he will be President for 4 years more, 🤷

2021-01-08 23:37:29 UTC

2021-01-08 23:37:29 UTC  

That's not gonna end the way they want lol!

2021-01-08 23:38:25 UTC  

The courts will side with Dominion probably

2021-01-08 23:39:06 UTC  

hasn't italy already moved forward with evidence of corruption via dominion systems in us election?

2021-01-08 23:39:22 UTC  

or what's happening with that

2021-01-08 23:39:52 UTC  

also does dominion REALLY want to do that though? There is evidence of their interference maybe giving her an opportunity to show it is a bad idea?

2021-01-08 23:40:44 UTC  

for them, i mean i'm more than happy to see it public

2021-01-08 23:40:59 UTC  

EBS incoming

2021-01-08 23:41:45 UTC  

Is there such thing as an INTERPOL court?

2021-01-08 23:43:00 UTC  

Pal3Rid3r, Is that your intuition or...?

2021-01-08 23:43:12 UTC  

LOL! she's panicking and losing her mind can't wait 12 days huh what are you scared of happening in those 12 days pelosi?

2021-01-08 23:43:35 UTC  

stupid question but what's an EBS ?

2021-01-08 23:43:57 UTC  

Wow, Check this out, it not the first time I've run into this timeline of history:

2021-01-08 23:44:45 UTC  

Emergency Broadcast System

2021-01-08 23:44:54 UTC  

ah, thanks

2021-01-08 23:45:17 UTC  

It will sound like an Amber Alert on your phone or TV

2021-01-08 23:45:46 UTC  

i just didn't know the abbreviation to it

2021-01-08 23:46:15 UTC  

no worries :)

2021-01-08 23:47:42 UTC  


2021-01-08 23:47:53 UTC  

The plan is in actions

2021-01-08 23:58:18 UTC  

"stay peaceful, go home" OMG VIOLENCE

2021-01-08 23:59:54 UTC  

Guys does anyone use Parler and if yes, can ou post a link to Trump's new account?

2021-01-09 00:00:18 UTC  

Parler is down for me

2021-01-09 00:11:52 UTC  

I'm gonna sound really stupid but I'm bad with acronyms. What does EBS stand for? Apologies for the silly question.

2021-01-09 00:11:53 UTC  

GOP is just as bad as the dems. They're politicians, which has become a cuss word to rival the f-bomb in my house.

2021-01-09 00:12:01 UTC  

Ten minutes.

2021-01-09 00:12:26 UTC  

Nevermind someone said it I'm really that dumb. Also running on not much sleep

2021-01-09 00:12:32 UTC  

I absolutely agree, but I do not want cuckoo Pelosi as POTUS

2021-01-09 00:13:07 UTC  

Haha Twitter did something right for banning trump

2021-01-09 00:13:09 UTC  

Parler is going down, TDW on error 504

2021-01-09 00:13:17 UTC  


2021-01-09 00:13:21 UTC  

Shit is hittin the fan

2021-01-09 00:13:50 UTC  

The scary thing is we're next in line. If ANTIFA is so bold now, who's to stop them from shooting more Trump supporters (like they've already done, but in the middle of the day)