Message from @firstname

Discord ID: 759144407126769735

2020-09-25 14:55:49 UTC  

Imagine being in chicago

2020-09-25 14:57:12 UTC  


2020-09-25 14:59:43 UTC  

It will now be called l'manburg

2020-09-25 14:59:51 UTC  


2020-09-25 15:03:53 UTC  

a moderate opinion on chicago tribune? impressive

2020-09-25 15:56:07 UTC  

trump is a threat to democracy, because usa is a replubic and the democrats don't want the general population to know that fact, so therefore trump is exposing the fact that the usa is a republic where ur innocent til proven guilty, but not under a democracy where ur guilty til proven innocent

2020-09-25 15:57:35 UTC  

also under a democracy, the cities and states are over taxed and poorly run like they just want ur money for themselves instead of actually doing their job of serving the ppl

2020-09-25 17:25:21 UTC  

@Deleted User I šŸ’– Jim Jordan, and it's a breathe of fresh air to see him talking to some people who treats him decently. He sits being bashed day in and day out, but still sits up straight and is a voice against them. He's a superhero in my eyes. Joy Villa SMASHED them! They ARE embarrassing! Lots of great points!

2020-09-25 17:27:04 UTC  

well jim jordan is a constitutionalist

2020-09-25 18:17:33 UTC  

Ron Paul Appears To Suffer Medical Emergency During Live Show ....looks like a stroke

2020-09-25 19:42:49 UTC  

looses the jobs.....what they didn't want him to stick around and wait til he got better

2020-09-25 19:43:17 UTC  

i'd look into his previous employers

2020-09-25 20:08:50 UTC  

Thought I'd just leave these for your reading pleasure

2020-09-25 20:11:04 UTC  
2020-09-25 22:32:50 UTC  

@firstname There is something called IME (intel management engine). A processor within your processor. Its how the NSA uses programs like PRISM to spy on you, without you even knowing. Every bit of information is sent to a data center. How else do you think these pedophiles are getting busted when they cover their tracks with VPNs, TOR, and other forms of high level encryption? Not that Im defending pedos, but its something to think about next time you decide to watch a particular video, visit a particular forum, etc....

2020-09-25 22:44:56 UTC  

You can "disable" IME. But when it can be remotely activated, its rather fruitless. Tape over the webcam only prevents them from looking at who is operating the computer. Your best bet is to buy a burner chromebook or some cheap laptop and run TAILS os live from usb when doing something you want to keep private. Never connect to your home wifi. Always pirate from someone else or use public wifi. Never use the same wifi connection twice. The guy who owned the original silk road was caught by geo location. Patterns are easy to pick up. Never trust a VPN over TOR. Always use TOR over a VPN. Never use both together. VPNs ruin what TOR is designed to do. TOR is still in use by the military and they trust it with classified information. You should too.

2020-09-25 22:56:27 UTC  

Every processor produced since 2008

2020-09-25 22:56:55 UTC  

AMD has its own NSA backdoor

2020-09-25 23:08:03 UTC  

So... now you know that even your phone is listening to you, recording you, even when powered down. The tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorists were right all along.

2020-09-25 23:35:46 UTC  

every processor, every os, every media app

2020-09-25 23:36:51 UTC  

makes u wonder why ur processor only did minor 'adjustments' over each generation but seemed to get hotter and hotter

2020-09-26 01:01:55 UTC  

Big brother is watching you

2020-09-26 01:20:02 UTC  

Joe Biden called our troops "Stupid Bastards"

2020-09-26 01:21:12 UTC  

This might be good to drive my friend away from Biden...

2020-09-26 01:22:28 UTC  

I hope it wroks

2020-09-26 01:22:34 UTC  


2020-09-26 01:23:23 UTC  

Video evidence...busted.

2020-09-26 01:23:29 UTC  

But he of course might have a defense and then heā€™ll go on a ā€œTrump is a Fascistā€ tangent...

2020-09-26 01:23:38 UTC  

Imagine voting for a career politician who's been in office longer than several generations and has done literally nothing good.

2020-09-26 01:24:55 UTC  

Like ā€œBiden was just teasing them and didnā€™t mean it, Trump called fallen soldiers losers!ā€.

2020-09-26 01:24:57 UTC  

I'll give you a hint: it's not Trump.