Message from @Frostjag

Discord ID: 790768519359758346

2020-12-21 23:08:37 UTC  

@mo-me119 in reality, no one should want it, a 95% effective vaccine for a 99% survivable virus, then add to that, it mutated in the UL already? which means this vaccine is worthless

2020-12-21 23:56:30 UTC  


2020-12-22 00:09:59 UTC  

Hmm yes doing something illegal is a crime

2020-12-22 00:15:21 UTC  

imagine being a steamer and accidentally letting a song play on livestream and becoming a felon because of it

2020-12-22 00:27:01 UTC  

the irony is of this is the fact they're voiding the right to share
preventing any stream period
every media platform is streaming to ppl(yes, even local tv, cable and's all digital streaming)
it's not a broadcast's a digitial stream
it also voids all phone calls
because the method used is 'streaming data'

2020-12-22 00:37:46 UTC  

Your eyes stream data, so it's a little vague

2020-12-22 00:52:51 UTC  

I'm getting the vaccine, but I routinely transport covid + patients and have seen some pretty bad effects to people my age, including a cousin who now has endocarditis from it.

2020-12-22 00:54:35 UTC  

the covid virus has been mutating since its inception, it doesn't mean the vaccine is ineffective because its based on the out envelope, the spike proteins that allow it to enter ace-2 receptors. if a mutation loses the protein, it also loses its ability to easily enter cells. checkmate.

2020-12-22 00:58:49 UTC  

I don't know. I still don't like it since this is a new type of vaccine that I believe has never been used before and there hasn't been major studies done on it. There is just too much unknown about it. What if this could cause cancer or some other effect that we don't know right now?

2020-12-22 01:06:28 UTC  

Maybe it will turn is into mutants with incredible powers to defeat those who are less patriotic and have a strong desire against our constitution.... hmmmm

2020-12-22 01:07:12 UTC  

Naah.. i’ll pass but not gonna knock someone for taking it

2020-12-22 01:07:53 UTC  

And im not saying if you take it your not patriotic

2020-12-22 01:12:12 UTC  

I'm not saying that either. If you want to, by all means go get it

2020-12-22 01:27:14 UTC  

@Frostjag isnt the flu vaccine different each year?

2020-12-22 02:28:27 UTC  

flu is a very different virus

2020-12-22 02:29:37 UTC  

Covid 19 and the flu are the same kind of virus

2020-12-22 02:29:48 UTC  

the surface proteins of the flu virus mutate and shift very often making it very difficult to keep immunity to it or vaccinate against it

2020-12-22 02:31:34 UTC  

Mrna is part of your DNA, this vac is changing your DNA. Not the same as the flu shot.

2020-12-22 02:31:46 UTC  

also not true

2020-12-22 02:32:05 UTC  

Yea what your saying is false

2020-12-22 02:32:19 UTC  

actually mRNA doesn't touch your DNA

2020-12-22 02:32:38 UTC  

messenger RNA is a single strand that is translated by the cells, its instruction to make certain proteins and enzymes

2020-12-22 02:32:49 UTC  

DNA is used to create RNA

2020-12-22 02:32:52 UTC  

Actually mrna is used during cell division to recreate the DNA in the new cell

2020-12-22 02:33:22 UTC  

it goes to the piece of the cell making your proteins then tells the cell what proteins to make. There are other forms of RNA used during DNA replication.

2020-12-22 02:34:31 UTC  

Tell Trump to VETO this stimulus package

2020-12-22 02:34:39 UTC  

They’re fucking us AGAIN

2020-12-22 02:37:35 UTC  

if you want to hold off on the vaccine because there are no long term studies, that's completely understandable

2020-12-22 02:38:37 UTC  

there is a history of bad vaccines in the past causing problems later on, like guillan barre from the bad h1n1 vaccine in the 70s

2020-12-22 02:40:11 UTC  

If u dont want to vacc bc your not worried about a fake pandemic that kills less than .0001 percent of ppl that's ok too.

2020-12-22 02:40:13 UTC  

but me personally, in my personal risk vs reward assessment believe that the covid vaccine will far more likely benefit me that harm me

2020-12-22 02:40:32 UTC  

because I'm exposed regularly

2020-12-22 02:45:26 UTC  

there are effects other than death, the virus can still maim the fuck out of you, even if you're young, and no co-morbidities are required.

2020-12-22 02:47:38 UTC  

Yea, no if your healthy and get SUN and exercise regularly your fine

2020-12-22 02:48:42 UTC  


2020-12-22 02:49:47 UTC  

How old are you, that you are worried?

2020-12-22 02:50:33 UTC  

I'm 34, and yes, largely most young people will kick small viral loads easily