Message from @Meryl.140.15

Discord ID: 790648656755425341

2020-12-21 03:57:48 UTC

2020-12-21 09:57:01 UTC  


2020-12-21 14:22:17 UTC  
2020-12-21 15:39:09 UTC  

....and Russian television rushes to blame anyone else. 🤣

2020-12-21 15:41:06 UTC

2020-12-21 17:14:42 UTC  

The commission will “better enable a rising generation to understand the history and principles of the founding of the United States in 1776 and to strive to form a more perfect Union,” the president’s executive order establishing the commission reads.

2020-12-21 17:16:58 UTC  

Still feels like indoctrination but on the other side

2020-12-21 17:18:06 UTC  

Like teaching kids that america is all bad is indoctrination and telling kids that america is all good is indoctrination instead we should just tell the important facts and let our kids make their own opinions

2020-12-21 17:21:09 UTC  

ya uh that works if both sides have an opportunity to an equal audience...which they don't now

2020-12-21 17:21:46 UTC  

this commission is very much needed now

2020-12-21 17:22:08 UTC  

Don't get me wrong I agree more with 1776 instead of 1699 or whatever the heck the left says the places founding was

2020-12-21 17:25:32 UTC  

I'm tired of all the anti-usa rhetoric I hear or see every single day. its almost nauseating like people forgot how much good this country has done. we basically pulled civilization out of fuckin poverty and weakness

2020-12-21 17:26:12 UTC  

we took all of the good parts of every major civilization before us, and combined them all

2020-12-21 17:30:35 UTC  

Now all they need to do is remove their governor who did black face

2020-12-21 17:30:43 UTC  

sorry mods for the convo in here BTW i know yall get strict and like to be buttheads lol

2020-12-21 17:30:46 UTC  

Or was that west virginia

2020-12-21 18:35:29 UTC  

and this is why I don't give discord money 😜

2020-12-21 18:38:15 UTC  

As much as it pains me to say it, please refrain from discussing this information further. We are giving the discord new terms of service a widebirth in the hope of keep this server around.

2020-12-21 19:11:11 UTC  

okie dokie

2020-12-21 21:21:54 UTC  

I work in a nursing home and I don't know any employee there who is interested in taking it. Only one crazy canadian girl in my nursing program is interested in getting it.

2020-12-21 23:08:37 UTC  

@mo-me119 in reality, no one should want it, a 95% effective vaccine for a 99% survivable virus, then add to that, it mutated in the UL already? which means this vaccine is worthless

2020-12-21 23:56:30 UTC  


2020-12-22 00:09:59 UTC  

Hmm yes doing something illegal is a crime

2020-12-22 00:15:21 UTC  

imagine being a steamer and accidentally letting a song play on livestream and becoming a felon because of it

2020-12-22 00:27:01 UTC  

the irony is of this is the fact they're voiding the right to share
preventing any stream period
every media platform is streaming to ppl(yes, even local tv, cable and's all digital streaming)
it's not a broadcast's a digitial stream
it also voids all phone calls
because the method used is 'streaming data'

2020-12-22 00:37:46 UTC  

Your eyes stream data, so it's a little vague

2020-12-22 00:52:51 UTC  

I'm getting the vaccine, but I routinely transport covid + patients and have seen some pretty bad effects to people my age, including a cousin who now has endocarditis from it.

2020-12-22 00:54:35 UTC  

the covid virus has been mutating since its inception, it doesn't mean the vaccine is ineffective because its based on the out envelope, the spike proteins that allow it to enter ace-2 receptors. if a mutation loses the protein, it also loses its ability to easily enter cells. checkmate.

2020-12-22 00:58:49 UTC  

I don't know. I still don't like it since this is a new type of vaccine that I believe has never been used before and there hasn't been major studies done on it. There is just too much unknown about it. What if this could cause cancer or some other effect that we don't know right now?

2020-12-22 01:06:28 UTC  

Maybe it will turn is into mutants with incredible powers to defeat those who are less patriotic and have a strong desire against our constitution.... hmmmm

2020-12-22 01:07:12 UTC  

Naah.. i’ll pass but not gonna knock someone for taking it

2020-12-22 01:07:53 UTC  

And im not saying if you take it your not patriotic

2020-12-22 01:12:12 UTC  

I'm not saying that either. If you want to, by all means go get it