Message from @SPRTNWRRYR1974

Discord ID: 773238254647508993

2020-11-02 22:05:14 UTC  

kamala endorses communism

2020-11-02 22:05:20 UTC  


2020-11-02 23:16:09 UTC  

oh lordy

2020-11-02 23:31:28 UTC  

are we surprised tho?

2020-11-03 01:59:37 UTC  

I made a MAGA pumpkin and I wanted to share it with all of you.

2020-11-03 04:00:06 UTC  
2020-11-03 05:34:45 UTC  

With the way leftists and communists on American grounds like Kamala Harris talk about socialism, communism and all their other garbage ass ideologies, I would not be surprised if a new language begins to develop out of it. They're abusing linguistics to confuse and gaslight people into their ideas, but us English speakers know very well that just because they abuse word play doesn't make it any different than what it is.

2020-11-03 05:46:46 UTC  

I say that because a few days ago Harris mocked an interviewer saying she's not socialist, but don't be surprised if these assholes that can't respect our intelligectual sovereignty begin to call communism and their ideologies by different words. The English language and the population is stagnant and human nature is due to growth and change.

2020-11-03 13:27:36 UTC

2020-11-03 14:56:10 UTC  
2020-11-03 16:57:58 UTC  

Yea that's what kamala harris will eventually let in, just like chancellor merkel let in all the refugees from syria and now there's terrorist attacks in central europe this week where people who tried to help are dying

2020-11-03 16:58:44 UTC  

biden will be gone in a couple of months due to dementia once china finishes what they want from him

2020-11-03 16:59:23 UTC  

then kamala will spill secrets to her family members who work as a contractor to the indian military nuclear division, giving all the us technology secrets away

2020-11-03 17:00:14 UTC  

definitely what's needed in your next VP and president. Stick to trump and go out and vote. He kept all the promises he made and done more for the black and latino community than dems have in the last 20 years

2020-11-03 17:02:14 UTC  

remember to take a friend with you to vote, then go through your phone list after and make sure everyone gets out and votes because your country's future and frankly the rest of the worlds genuinely depends on it. You might not see the changes over night or within the next year, but definitely in the next 10 years you're going to see radical changes that influence the world in such a horrible way you'll look back and wish you voted for trump even if you're a democrat right now.

2020-11-03 17:07:51 UTC  

I'm not even American and i'm in the centre with regards to how i vote. But even I know this is insane, the corruption from biden's family that's yet to be revealed, social media suppression from big tech companies that benefit greatly from stopping trump and his administration, the media like cnn and others. Trumps kept all of the promises he made in 2016 whilst being barraged and continuously attacked by the insanity of the democrats with one arm tied behind his back. With everyone going against him, even people in his administration that turned out to be snakes in the grass. Imagine what he could do if this wasn't the case, your country would see so many more benefits. Get out today and go give him your vote, give him 4 more years and then he's done. Corrupt biden who sells your manufacturing jobs/gdp to other nations is not going to help you, he's done fuck all in the 8 years he was VP and probably took a bung of money from the 1.5billion cash given to iran. We all know it deep down he's not right in the head or right for your country

2020-11-03 17:11:45 UTC  

Yes trump loves to big his own ego up, has weird personality traits you might not like but he does it all for free because Trump truly LOVES your country to bits. He said in an interview that he didn't want to run but if his country ever needed him, then he would. It's not like he's used the presidency to make money for himself when he was a millionaire and then became a billionaire because of that, he became a billionaire first and then became president. He didn't have to, doesn't need to, but wanted to because the country needs him because of people like Obama, Kamala Harris and Sleepy very very sleepy corrupt Joe Biden that sniffs kids and probably much more to be frank but it'll come out in the future. Remember that.

2020-11-03 17:32:18 UTC  

Biden’s rallies literally look like funerals. There is 0 enthusiasm for him, people are only voting for him because they hate trump. Trump has had more attendance at his rallies than some bands have had at rock concerts. Trump voters love him. We got this. TRUMP 2020

2020-11-03 17:32:45 UTC  

Dude KISS and Rammstein would kill for numbers that Trump is pulling.

2020-11-03 18:07:12 UTC  

@Bearsss I probably agree with what you wrote but that paragraph is longer than a leftist meme

2020-11-03 18:07:27 UTC  

sad thing is

2020-11-03 18:07:48 UTC  

well at least it isn't in meme format

2020-11-03 18:08:09 UTC  

but you pretty much summarized the options

2020-11-03 19:11:10 UTC

2020-11-03 19:18:25 UTC  

its not only in PA where machines are down ... Im seeing reports from all over

2020-11-03 19:34:03 UTC  

He's part of the swamp. Ignore him.

2020-11-03 20:55:41 UTC  

And just like clockwork, the marxists "blame ur opponent of the actual thing ur doing" tactic, goes into high gear.

2020-11-03 21:18:02 UTC

2020-11-03 22:12:40 UTC  

Republicans lead in voting by over 200k

2020-11-03 22:13:53 UTC  

In Florida

2020-11-03 22:13:54 UTC  


2020-11-03 23:41:56 UTC

2020-11-03 23:42:15 UTC