Message from @Greg88
Discord ID: 307022264451334148
i believe you, but still
Yes Robert but roughly 80% of it is genetic
I'm not saying you can make a white man out of a nigger
FBI crime statistics are the go to for this
I'm saying you can make a black man out of a nigger
You absolutely can
We did for generations using the only thing they respected, violence
if you break them down and build them back up
Niggers stayed in line because there would be violent retribution if they fucked up
Vanux here's a start
Every country niggers go to turns to shit
Either by the police, the Klan, or old fashioned vigilantism
Now niggers are free to chimp out
because the FBI is too busy arresting white people for hate crimes
Fucking pisses me off Jason
Now it's considered *moral* and *just* for them to chimp out, because it's just righting historical injustices, goy
The JCC was literally subsidized by the DHS
Siege crimes
Fucking Siege
Also Vanux reminder that race studies and gender studies aren't really done these days very much because it never turns out well for their side
Haha read it Robert
I said I'm getting to it
Its that good
Its my bibke
I've got a fucking pile of books right now
What could be more important than Siege?
Oh good, so you're an ideologue
Move it up in your queue
i dont like Siege FITE ME IRL
Good to know jason
I must say James Mason is a little autistic for me *hides behind couch
Mason himself is a strange dude
But Siege is good
Cause of Charlie?
Im witholding judgement on Mason