Message from @DontBeAnIdgit
Discord ID: 756046065551016096
“You see Ivan, if you have no lungs, you can’t die from gas”
There's some scott filters that are Also gost threaded
I believe there are some old filters that have chromium in them for some reason
And there's filter adapters gost to nato
Because Polish fp5 filters are rare in America from what i know
About No one ships to America
Because customs is a bitch
Im talking about brand new fp5 filters
I mean they probably aren’t brand new but I saw some on EBay for $25
But it’s eBay we’re talking about
That is true as well
I shipped out 53 gp5m and customs stole half of them 😤
Last time I tried buying filters off eBay the ones I did get were and I shit you not, a decade past expiration date
Gas mask with built in cheese grater
For all your shredded cheese eating needs
Ah I see
I still don’t know how those work
Thats the voice diagram
But there are holes in it
It allows people to hear you when you speak
But there are holes in the mask now
Better then having to stick a mic into the mask which is uncomfortable as all hell
That’s on the valve for air going out of the mask
Meaning you can talk and not get gassed
That metal piece is screwed on to the mask
ok so wait you unscrew it to talk?
You don’t have to
I’m confused
There is a seal under the plastic and metal pieces
And I don’t know why or how, but those damn rubber pellets keep coming from the elastic in the straps and I don’t even know how it keeps getting into the mask
Ok let me a m3a1 as a example