Message from @A Person
Discord ID: 741638644187660310
That's cool
I still think pics of women belong here somehow.
I actually know a man who goes to my church who has old Vietnam war footage of boats. He was in the US Navy.
Hmmm spacey
You can’t fool me I see a Bonnie blue flag
oh crap that is
"GuEsS i'M a RaCiSt?"
North star is neither, it's just true north
May want to increase exposure time
No clue, that's all the advice I have lol
Is your finger over the camera lenses
Im honestly surprised at kumquatlord's knowledge at every hobby
I bought a Nikon D7200 on eBay the other day. I couldn't find the dipper but I did locate the moon. 😄
I took another photograph with my cardboard box/magnifying lens set up
Made with cyanotype chemicals
20 minute exposure
Lol I'm done with water adventures for a few months 🤣
What camera did you use?
Mount Washington, NH