Message from @GoCRAZY
Discord ID: 747536603169292428
The SCIENCE! of rolling shutter
This is CA with all the smoke going on from the wildfires rn
That's how it looks where I'm at and that's 900 miles away from California.
Probably fires where you live as well. There are quite a few for 2 or 3 states away
Ellen's Game of Games rehearsals began today at Warner Bros. Animal Kingdom begins filming again next week.
Channel 7 News in front of my church. Gavin Newsom wants to shutdown my pastor, John MacArthur. I guess he forgot about separation of church and state.
I was tinkering with some presets to get a OG 35mm film feel. Kinda digging the colors.
People think deer are cute because of Bambi. They're actually quite a bit of a nuisance and a problem.
Destroy crops
Scotland is over populated with red deer as they got no predators
someone call biden to sniff them out
He wouldn't even know where he is
Thats a nice shot
Planes are scary
I love hiking and photographing off mushrooms I find