Message from @The Soviet Depot
Discord ID: 775425891790618645
Oil Tanker (look at the bow, you can see someone made a wrong turn)
Vase from Hiroshima bombing. One side was scorched from the blast while the other side was left untouched
That’s incredible
@deadlylogic looks sweet!
thanks @•jess_h•
@opforguy I freakin love Arkansas
it has some beautiful landscapes
still looks awesome!
Probably my favorite place i ever been
I mean, if you want to do video game screenshots, why not use <#728414443901550602>
oh okay
Dust made the visibility a little bad
Sorry that is said "Barf" since I was in front of the "N". I went to a place called Banff that is located over 78 miles west of Calgary, Alberta Canada. Canada is a magnificent place and I visited there twice.